Deck 2 Flashcards
CCrisp mx of acutely unwell patient
Daily mx plan for stable pt as per CCrisP protocol
- Ix ?bloods ?imaging
- Specialist input
- E+D? supplements?
- Pain
- Drain/tube removal
Causes of large bowel obstruction
Diverticular stricture
Small bowel obstruction causes
Layers of mucosa of GI tract
Lamina propria
Muscularis mucosa
Adenoma-carcinoma sequence
Series of mutations for eptheilal cells to become malignant cells
- mutation of APC tumour suppressor gene -> hyperproliferation
- KRAS oncogene mutation-> dysplasia
- P53 tumour supressor mutation -> adenocarcinoma
Hyperproliferation -> adenoma formation -> carcinoma
Define adenocarcinoma
Malignant tumour of glandular cells
Neoplasm definition
An abnormal mass of tissue with:
1. uncoordinated growth
2. growth exceeds normal tissue
3. persists after cessation of stimulus
Where does colorectal cancer mets
Which functional segments of liver correlate to right and left lobe
Left: 2-4
Right: 5-8
Liver tumours
- haemangioma
- adenoma
- Cholangiocarcinoma
Mets eg from colon
Commonest type of liver tumour
Commonest type of primary bone cancer
Myeloma (osteosarcoma is the second most common)
Pus definition
Collection of neutrophils + dead and dying micro-organisms
Cyst definition
Abnormal membranous sac containing gas/liquid
Cyst vs pseudocyst
Cyst lined with epithelial/endothelial cells pseudocyst isnt
Sinus definition
Blind ending trac lined with granulation tissue
Eg connecting abscess to skin
Fistula definition
an abnormal connection between 2 epithelial or endothelial surfaces
Stoma definition
Surgical opening into a hollow viscus
Diverticular definition
outpouching of a hollow viscus into surrounding tissue
Clot vs thrombus definition
Clot: solid material derived from the constituents of blood in STATIONARY blood
Thrombus: solid material derived from the constituents of blood in flowing blood
Embolus definition
Abnormal mass of insoluble material that is carried in the bloodstream to another place.
Necrosis definition
Abnormal tissue death during life
Hypersensitivity reaction definition
Abnormal reaction of host’s immune response to a particular stimuli
Tumour marker definition
A substance that can be found in the circulation of a patient with neoplasia
Polyp definition
Mass of tissue arising from epithelial surface
Polyp definition
Mass of tissue arising from epithelial surface
Hyperplasia definition
Increase in size of a tissue through increase in number of cells
Increase in the size of a tissue through increase in the number of cells
Hamartoma definition
Tumour-like malformation composed of a disorganised amount of tissue normally found at that site
Grows under normal control mechanisms
Metaplasia definition
Reversible change of one fully differentiated cell type to another differentiated cell type
Dysplasia def
- Disordered cellular development
- increased mitosis and pleomorphism
- Without the ability to invade the basement membrane
- changes resolve after removal of stimulus
Carcinoma vs sarcoma
Carcinoma: malignant tumour of epithelial cells
Sarcoma: malignant tumour of connective tissue
Metastasis definition
Survival and growth of cells that have migrated from a malignant tumour to a distant site from the primary tumour
Atrophy def
Reduction in size of tissue or organ due to either reduction in number or size of cells
Apoptosis definition
programmed cell death
(auto digestion without causing inflammatory response)
System for looking at abdo xray
- Patient and film details
Penetration and adequacy - Large/small bowel
- Extra-luminal gas
- Organs: liver, kidney, spleen, psoas
- Bones: vertebra, SI joints, femoral head
- Others: catheters, NG tube
Commonest type of liver tumour
Hypersensitivity reaction definition
Abnormal reaction of host’s immune response to a particular stimuli