Decision Making Flashcards
Found men are more likely to make fewer but more important decisions:moving house,finances.
Women make more decisions but less important:food
Depends on importance of decisions being made men make fewer decisions but more important ones therefore men have more power
Pahl and Vogler
Found housekeeping allowance system;husband gives side some money for housekeeping expenses and controls the rest
Pooling system-both partners control the money equally.move towards greater equality.However in most couples money was shared but husband had overall financial control:Husband controller looking
Argues same sex couples the control of money is not seen as relevant to equality and same sex partners were happy to leave control of money to their partner without feeling a lack of power in the relationship.
Smart argues because same sex couples enter relationship without gendered historical meanings about meanings about money that see itr as a source of power
Radical feminists(Millet and Firestone)
All societies are patriarchal all men have power over women.As a result men exploit and oppress women
Family is the key institution in which men exploit and oppress women
Domestic abuse serves to preserve Male power over women.
Criticism of millet and Firestone
Robertson Elliot points out that
Not all men are violent towards women.Many men are opposed to domestic abuse
Women can also be abusers of men and children
Radical feminists fail to explain why some women are at a greater risk of domestic abhse(low incomes,younger women)
Dobash and dobash
Found majority of women are attacked twice a week
Incidents could be set of a result of sexual jealousy money,partner expectations of the woman’s housework skills,man feeling loss of control
Dobash and dobash argue marriage legitimated violence against women by conferring power on husbands
Wilkinson and Pickett
Argue domestic abuse incidents are a results of stress which is caused by social inequality.
Social inequality means some families have fewer resources such as a result they may live in a overcrowded housing high causes tension and spill over into abuse.