debate : mother as primary caregiver Flashcards
- mothers have an incredibly important im the emotional and social development of their infants. Oxytocin the cuddle hormone surges following childbirth and creates a natural mothering instinct in female.
- Research suggests are just as capable of doing it and effective job of looking after children if needed to be appropriate caregivers on society level as men are increasingly taken on roles of primary caregivers . research from Aviva suggest there are now 10 times as many stay at home Dad in the UK then there was a decade with 1 in 7 Dads now the main childcare provider
- ultimately as long as a child has access to 11 and consistent role model with whom they can form a secure attachment there’s no need to say this needs to be the mother
3 parts of the debate
female form
opening sentence
one researcher who had a significant impact upon attachment formation and long-term effects of separation is Bowlby
evidence for
bowlby suggested those . He suggest infants form more attachment which is stronger than others ( monotropic) most usually with the mother. These Monnett tropic relationships are used as a template for future relationships. ( internal working model.) bowlby relieved if a child experience maternal deprivation before the age of three they would experience irreparable damage to one social and emotional development
strength evidence for
This suggest mothers are best suited to be the primary caregiver and a lack of maternal presence is likely to result in serious consequences
evidence against
however, bowlby’s theories and lifework hasn’t showed the contributions fathers can make to a child development. schaffer and emerson found that out of a group of children only half were most strongly attached to their mothers and the third were most strongly attached to their fathers
mini conclusion
this suggest a healthy development of a child is not determined by the presence of the mother but said level of high-quality interactions with a parent. Fathers are equally as capable of adopting this role.
opening sentence
another argument of mothers as the primary caregiver is the relation to the female form and the biological features of pregnancy and birth
evidence for
female form
females are biologically capable of feeding and nurture in their infant in a way that other carers wouldnt have been able to. three pregnancy and breastfeeding a significant bond will develop. the NHS advocate that all children should be breastfed for the first six months of life
evidence for
female form
This suggests that mothers can contribute to the healthy development of a child that cannot be replaced by anybody else
evidence against
female form
however, in some cultures, the fathers are the primary caregivers. Aka fathers are in reach of their infants 47% of the time. Aka fathers are encouraged to develop a strong bond by doing skin to skin and even breastfeeding. they take on tasks and responsibilities traditionally and mother takes on this helps Aka fathers develop a strong attachment
mini conclusion
female form
This suggests that a healthy development of a child can be determined by other people besides the mother fathers are just as capable of providing the secure attachment
opening sentence
A factor to consider indeterminate if mothers are the right primary caregiver is in the role of certain bio chemicals
evidence for
oxytocin is the bonding hormone. Palmer found that this is massively produced in pregnancy and released during labour and when holding a baby for the first time. Mother developed maternal behaviours to meet the infants needs.
evidence for oxytocin
This suggests that the care mothers can give to their child is so important Liv bond and secure attachment is formed which other people cannot compete with