Databases Flashcards
Q: What types of databases does AWS offer?
A: Relational databases, NoSQL databases, data warehouses, in-memory databases, graph databases, and time series databases.
Q: What is Amazon RDS?
A: Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a managed service for running relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MariaDB, Oracle, and Amazon Aurora.
Q: What is Amazon Aurora?
A: A high-performance, managed relational database compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, offering up to 5 times the performance of standard databases.
Q: What is Amazon DynamoDB?
A: A fully managed NoSQL database service designed for key-value and document data models, known for low latency and scalability.
Q: What is Amazon Redshift?
A: A fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse for running complex queries and analytics on structured data.
Q: What is Amazon ElastiCache?
A: A fully managed in-memory database service for caching and real-time data processing, supporting Redis and Memcached.
Q: What is Amazon Neptune?
A: A fully managed graph database service optimized for storing and querying graph data.
Q: What is Amazon Timestream?
A: A fully managed time-series database optimized for IoT and operational applications.
Q: What is Amazon Keyspaces?
A: A fully managed database service compatible with Apache Cassandra for large-scale NoSQL workloads.
Q: What is the difference between relational and NoSQL databases?
A: Relational databases store structured data in tables with predefined schemas, while NoSQL databases store unstructured or semi-structured data in flexible formats like key-value, document, or graph models.
Q: How are backups handled in AWS databases?
A: Services like RDS and DynamoDB offer automated and manual backups, including point-in-time recovery.
Q: What is Multi-AZ deployment in RDS?
A: A high availability feature where a standby replica is created in another Availability Zone to ensure failover support.
Q: What are read replicas in RDS?
A: Copies of a primary database instance that support read-heavy workloads and reduce latency.
Q: Which database engines are supported by RDS?
A: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server, and Aurora.
Q: What are Global Tables in DynamoDB?
A: A multi-region replication feature that allows DynamoDB tables to span multiple AWS regions for low latency and disaster recovery.