AWS Organisations and Billing Flashcards
Q: What is AWS Organizations?
A: A service for centrally managing multiple AWS accounts, consolidating billing, and applying governance controls across accounts.
Q: What are the key features of AWS Organizations?
A: Consolidated billing, Service Control Policies (SCPs), account creation, and account grouping with organizational units (OUs).
Q: What are Organizational Units (OUs) in AWS Organizations?
A: Hierarchical groupings of AWS accounts used to apply policies and manage accounts within an organization.
Q: What is the root account in AWS Organizations?
A: The master account in AWS Organizations, which has billing and management privileges for the organization.
Q: What are SCPs in AWS Organizations?
A: Policies used to restrict permissions for AWS accounts and OUs across an organization.
Q: What is consolidated billing in AWS Organizations?
A: A feature that combines billing for all member accounts into a single bill, allowing cost tracking and discounts.
Q: What are cost allocation tags?
A: Metadata tags assigned to AWS resources for tracking and categorizing costs.
Q: What are linked accounts in AWS Organizations?
A: Member accounts that are part of an organization and linked to the management account for billing purposes.
Q: What is Reserved Instance sharing in AWS Organizations?
A: A feature that allows unused Reserved Instance capacity in one account to be applied to usage in another account.
Q: What is AWS Budgets?
A: A service for setting custom cost and usage thresholds and receiving alerts when those thresholds are exceeded.
Q: What is AWS Cost Explorer?
A: A tool for analyzing AWS costs and usage over time, with filters for services, tags, and accounts.
Q: What is the AWS Billing Dashboard?
A: A centralized interface for viewing and managing AWS bills, costs, and payment methods.
Q: How can you track AWS Free Tier usage?
A: By using the AWS Billing Dashboard, which shows free tier usage and remaining limits.
Q: What is the AWS Cost and Usage Report?
A: A detailed report that provides comprehensive data on AWS usage and costs for analysis and optimization.
Q: What are AWS Savings Plans?
A: Flexible pricing models that offer discounts in exchange for a consistent usage commitment over one or three years.