Databases Flashcards
How much time does it take a RDS Multi-AZ Replica (Standby Instance) to take over when the Primary has failed?
60-120 seconds, making this not suitable for scenarios where extreme High Availability and Fault Tolerance is required.
Which RDS instance types (Primary, Standby or Read-only) can you access directly, i.e. directly reading/writing from them?
For non-Aurora databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server): only Primary and Read-only.
For Aurora: all three, so even the Standby instance.
When deleting a database, which RDS Backup types can be deleted along with the database when selecting the corresponding option? Automatic Backups, Manual Snapshots, or both?
Only Automatic Backups
What’s the maximum retention period for RDS Automatic Backups?
35 days
At which intervals does RDS save Transaction Logs to S3?
5 minutes
What’s the max. number of direct read-replicas per RDS DB instance?
How many copies of the underlying storage does Amazon Aurora hold, and across how many AZs are these distributed?
6 copies, split over 3 AZs
What’s the max. number of read-replicas per RDS DB instance when using Aurora?
What’s the difference between Aurora and non-Aurora instances when it comes to the Ready-only Instances endpoints?
Aurora provides a single endpoint for Read-only instances and load-balances, allowing to provision new Read-only instances without any configuration changes required. With Non-Aurora instances there will be new endpoint addresses instead as each instance has it’s own address.
What’s the max. size for an item in DynamoDB?
400 KB
What is the data size for a single WCU in DynamoDB?
1 KB
What is the data size for a single RCU in DynamoDB?
4 KB
How many days is the recovery window with DynamoDB (i.e. how many days back does DynamoDB allow you to restore a database to any given second)?
35 days
Which DynamoDB index type can be created only at table creation time?
Local Secondary Index (LSI)
Which DynamoDB index type can be created after a table was already created?
Global Secondary Index (GSI)