Data management / Property records/information systems Flashcards
What is the Data Protection Act 2018?
- UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR)
- It aims to create a single data protection regime affecting businesses, and empower individuals to take control of how their data is used by third parties.
- It gives people the right to be informed about how their personal information is used.
What is GDPR?
- General data protection regulation
- Relates to personal data
- Aims to create a single data protection regime for anyone doing business in the EU and to empower individuals to take control of how their data is used by third parties
- Gives people stronger rights to be informed about how their personal information is used
When did GDPR come into force?
25th May 2018
What are the key requirements under GDPR?
- Obligation to conduct data protection impact assessments for high risk holding of data
- New rights for individuals to have access to information on what personal data is held and to have it erased
- A data controller decides how and why personal data is processed and is directly responsible for GDPR
- ‘Data accountability’ ensuring that organisations can prove to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) how they comply with the new regulations
What happens if you breach GDPR? What is the penalty?
- Data security breaches need to be reported to Information Commissioners Office (ICO) within 72 hours where there is a loss of personal data and a risk of harm to individuals
- A fine amounting to whichever is greater out of 4% of global turnover of the company responsible or €20m (whichever is the greater).
What does Article 5(1) of GDPR state in relation to the processing of data?
Data must be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals.
Data must be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security.
What does Article 5(1) of GDPR state in relation to the collection of data?
Data must be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes
What does Article 5(1) of GDPR state in relation to the relevance of data?
Data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed
What does Article 5(1) of GDPR state in relation to the accuracy of data?
Data must be accurate and, where necessary kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purpose for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay.
What does Article 5(1) of GDPR state in relation to the form which data is kept in?
Data must be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed
Who does Article 5(2) of GDPR state is responsible for the compliance with the principles outlined in Article 5(1)?
The data controller shall be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate compliance with the principles
What are the 8 individual Rights under GDPR?
- Right of access
- Right to be informed
- Right to rectification
- Right to erasure
- Right to restrict processing
- Right to data portability (to use for their own purposes)
- Right to object
- Rights to automated decision making and profiling (as undertaken by insurance companies
How has your firm changed their data management practices to comply with GDPR?
- Conducted data protection impact assessments i.e. evaluated risks associated with holding information about individuals
- Ensure data accountability through the appointment of a named data controller
- Contacted individuals who were on distribution lists to confirm that they wanted to be contacted
- Trained staff
- Ensured correct firewalls were in place to ensure appropriate security of personal data
Under GDPR, would you be able to transfer personal data you hold outside of the UK?
GDPR restricts transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA), unless the rights of the individuals personal data is protected in another way
Who has received the largest fine under GDPR?
British Airways received a £183m fine in 2019 after hackers stole the personal data (including login, payment card, name, address and travel booking information) from 500,000 customers
What is the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
Gives individuals the right of access to information held by public bodies.
What does the Freedom of Information Act 2000 require of public bodies?
- Public body must tell any individual requesting sight of information whether it holds it
- Normally the public body is required to supply it in 20 working days in the format requested
- It can charge for the provision of the information
What are the exemptions from the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
- Contrary to the GDPR requirements
- It would prejudice a criminal matter under investigation
- It would prejudice a person’s/organisation’s commercial interest