Data Management Flashcards
What kind of data does your employer hold?
VOA holds data on sensitive rent, trade related data and property data including plans of buildings.
Who is responsible for storing data securely?
Everyone. Employer and employees.
What legislation applies to the disclosure of information for the VOA?
Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act (CRCA) 2005.
Section 18 allows for disclosure in specific circumstances
What is the FOIA 2000
The Freedom of Informatiom
Act 2000 allows anyone the ask for any recorded information held by the VOA/public authority.
What is the EIR 2004?
The Environment Information Regulations 2004 allows anyone to ask for any recorded environmental information held by the VOA/public authority. Similar to FOIA 2000 - 20 working day statutory deadline.
What is the UK GDPR Regs 2018?
UK General Data Protection Regulation 2018 allows an individual to access their own personal information. A request of this nature is known as a SAR (subject access request).
How long should data be retained?
For as long as it is required and legally allowed.
If you are unsure whether to disclose information what would you do?
Contact our information, Law and Disclosure Team
What is the maximum fine for a data breach?
Financial penalty of up to 20 million euro, £17.5 million or 4% of global turnover.
What is a common source of data breach?
Sending an email to the wrong recipient or clicking a link in an email that results in a cyber attack.
Consequences of a data breach?
Fine and repetitional damage
A recent example of a data breach?
Police in Northern Ireland.