Data Analysis C-8, C-10, C-11, D-3, D-5 Flashcards
Data analysis involves
extracting useful ifnromatin from data
Data analysis guides
decision making
Answers “How consistent and accurate is our visual analysis?”
Reliability and visual analysis
Type I error:
Wrongly concluding
IV has produced a change in DV when it hasn’t
Type II error:
Wrongly concluding
IV has NOT produced a change in DV when it has
Formative visual analysis:
Throughout the investigation
Formative visual analysis:
Seeks to explore
Within- and across-phase effects
Summative visual analysis:
after the investigation is complete
Summative visual analysis:
Seeks to determine
effects of the IV
Cyclical data patterns show repeating sequences of:
increasing and then decreasing trends in a data set
Immediacy of change:
TIme between the
Introduction/removal of an IV and change in the DV
Level shift
changes in central tendency across phases
range of values shared across phases
Percent of non-overlapping data (PND) is % of values
NOT shared in current condition compared to adjacent condition
Split-middle method:
allows one to
estimate and polot a trend line
Split-middle method:
Trend line helps
compare trends between conditions
Stability envelope:
2 parallel lines drawn on either side of the median or trend
Stability envelope:
Helps to determine
Stability around level/trend within conditions
Dual criteria method & conservative dual criteria methods are
refinments of the split-middle method
Dual criteria method:
trend and level lines from previous conditions to adjacent conditions
Conservative dual criteria:
Same as dual criteria EXCEPTS
adjusts level lines by .25 standard deviation
Consistency of patterns:
Are patterns in subsequent replications similar to one another?
Visual analysis variables:
level trend variability overlap immediacy of change consistency of patterns
Type I error AKA:
false positive
Type II error AKA:
false negative
2 types of visual analysis
formative and summative visual analysis
characteristics of trend analysis (3):
Methods for evaluating trend changes:
Split-middle method
Stability envelope
Dual criteria method
Conservative dual criteria method