Data - All Flashcards
What is Sample Resolution?
The number of bits used to store each sample. The more bits used the better the accuracy of the file.
What is a Bitmap Image?
An image that has been stored as a series of values per pixel. The color of each individual pixel is stored in a file.
What is a Vector Graph?
An image file that is made up of lines and shapes that have certain properties, for example, a line may have the following properties: start point, end‐point, line color, line thickness, line style. The properties of each shape are stored in a file to make up the image.
What is a Pixel?
Short for picture element. It is the smallest component of a bit‐mapped image.
What is a Sample Interval?
The time period between taking samples/measurements.
The more frequently the sound is sampled, the better the quality of playback.
What is Colour Depth?
The number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel in a bit mapped image. Higher color depth gives a broader range of distinct colors. For example, an image stored as a .gif file uses 8 bits per pixel so the image could use 256 different colors.
What is Metadata?
Data about data. In the case of image files metadata is the data the computer needs to interpret the image data in the file, for example: resolution, color depth and image dimensions.
What is meant by the resolution of the picture?
The number of pixels in an image expressed as the number of pixels across x the number of pixels down eg: 400 x 600.
Define Analogue
A continuously changing wave such as natural sound.
Define Digital
Data that is made up of separate values. How data is stored on a computer.
Define Sample Rate
The number of times per second that the sound wave is measured. The higher the rate the more accurately the sound wave is represented.
Define Sample interval
The time gap between measurements of the sound wave being taken.
Another way of expressing the sampling rate.
Define Sample resolution
The number of bits used to store the value of each sample. The higher the number of bits the more accurately the value is stored.
Define ADC
Analogue to Digital converter: take real‐world analogue data and converts it to a binary representation that can be stored on a computer.
Define Data
Facts and figures with no context or format to give them meaning.