D1C02 The Vine Growth Cycle Flashcards
1.1.3. Explain the vine’s needs throughout the growth cycle to produce and ripen grapes suitable for wine production.
What is the aim of a grapegrower?
The grape grower’s aim is to produce the largest possible crop of grapes that are of suitable ripeness and quality for the style of wine being produced.
The grape grower therefore needs to manipulate the vine into producing grapes with adequate ripeness of sugar, acids, tannins and aromas/flavours for the wine style being produced.
What factors are important for the vine to produce grapes suitable for making wine?
The amount of:
- heat
- sunlight
- water and
- nutrients
- (and abundant CO2)
and the timings of these key resources within the growth cycle, are important if the vine is to produce grapes suitable for making wine.
The grape grower will manage the vineyard to try to compensate for any shortfall or excess in the provision of these resources by the growing environment.
What is respiration?
Respiration is the process in which energy is released from food substances, in this case, sugar.
What are the 7 stages of the vine growth cycle?
- Dormancy | Nov - Mar
- Budburst | Mar - Apr
- Shoot and Leaf Growth | Mar - July
- Flowering and Fruit Set | May - June
- Grape Development | June - Oct
- Harvest | Aug - Oct
- Leaf Fall and Dormancy | Nov - Dec
What does the vine need during dormancy, and what are adverse conditions?
What the vine needs during this stage:
- Temperatures below 10°C
Adverse conditions:
- Extremely cold temperatures
- Unusually mild temperatures
What average air temperatures are too cold for the vine to grow?
Average air temperatures below 10°C are too cold for the vine to grow and therefore in winter the vine is dormant.
When does winter dormancy start and end?
With leaf fall in the autumn (November) and ends with budburst in the spring (March).
How does the vine support its growth when it cannot photosynthesise, e.g. without leaves?
The vine supports its growth by using stores of carbohydrates, mostly starch, accumulated during the previous growing season in the roots, trunk and branches.
What temperature can cause vines to die?
Vines can be severely damaged or killed by temperatures below −15°C.
Temperatures below −25°C will kill most V. vinifera.
What vineyard management happens during dormancy?
Winter pruning is carried out
Define bud burst
Budburst, also called budbreak, marks the end of winter dormancy. In this process, buds swell and open, and green shoots start to emerge. The timing of budburst depends on a number of factors.

What are the vine needs during budburst, and what are adverse conditions?
What the vine needs during this stage:
- Average air and soil temperatures above 10°C
Adverse conditions:
- Frost
- Cold soils
What does the timing of budburst depend on?
- Air temperature (above 10C)
- Soil temperature (higher = earlier budburst)
- Grape variety (early budding vs. late budding)
- Human factors (ex. winter pruning)
What climates can be advantegeous for budburst, and why?
Regions that have marked differences in temperature between the various seasons, for example, continental climates.
In these places, the rapidly increasing temperatures in the spring mean that budburst can be relatively uniform and this has positive implications for the homogeneity of later stages in the growing season, potentially eventually leading to a crop of grapes with even ripeness.
What climates can be disadvantegeous for budburst, and why?
In regions where there is often less contrast between winter and spring temperatures for example, maritime climates.
Budburst can be less synchronised. Furthermore, problems can occur when a few unusually mild winter days cause early budburst; any cold days and frosts that follow can potentially harm the newly burst buds, leading to lower yields.
What soil types are advantageous for budburst in cool climates, and why?
Dry, free-draining soils, e.g. sandy soils
(instead of water-storing soils, e.g. clay-rich soils)
They tend to warm up more quickly than water-storing soils. Higher soil temperatures around the roots => earlier budburst. An early start to the growing season=> better ripening.
Define early budding
Grape varieties that require relatively low temperatures at budburst are referred to as ‘early budding’.
Give examples of EARLY budding grape varieties.
- Chardonnay
- Pinot Noir
- Merlot
- Grenache.
Define late budding grape varieties.
Grape varieties that require higher temperatures are referred to as ‘late budding’.
Because the buds of late-budding varieties need higher temperatures to burst, they are less at risk of spring frosts.
Give examples of LATE budding grape varieties.
- Sauvignon Blanc
- Cabernet Sauvignon
- Syrah.
What viticultural practices can delay budburst?
Carrying out winter pruning late in the dormant period can postpone budburst, and this technique can be used in areas where spring frost is a known problem.
What does the vine need during shoot and leaf growth, and what are adverse conditions?
What the vine needs during this stage:
- Stored Carbohydrates
- Warmth, sunlight, nutrients and water
Adverse conditions:
- Low carbohydrate levels (caused by conditions in the previous growing season)
- Water stress
Define inflorescences.
A cluster of flowers on a stem.
What determines the vigour of the vine?
The rate of shoot growth determines the vigour of the vine.
The fastest rate of growth generally occurs between budburst and flowering. The speed of shoot growth can vary between vines and even within different parts of the same vine.
How is the initial shoot growth supported?
By carbohydrates stored in the roots, trunk and branches.
What effects leaf growth negatively?
Low carbohydrate levels
e.g. from excessive leaf removal, water stress, mildew infections, high crop loads in the previous growing season.
What do leaves need for successful growth?
As leaves develop and mature, they provide energy for further growth via photosynthesis, and therefore need adequate warmth and sunlight for this to take place.
Most of the vine’s energy is directed towards shoot growth until flowering starts.
What nutrients are needed for vine growth?
Nitrogen (N), potassium (K), phosphorus (P).
What can cause stunted (limited) shoot growth?
- water stress
- low nutrients uptake, e.g. very dry soils around the roots
What are the effects of stunted (slowed) shoot growth?
Stunted shoot growth can lead to poor quality and lower yields, from:
- small, weak shoots,
- a reduction in leaf number or smaller leaves,
- inflorescences that do not flower properly and/or
- grape bunches that do not ripen fully
Name the parts of the vine flower (in the order of fertilisation)?
- Stamen — (Anther + Filament)
- Pollen
- Stigma
- Pollen tube
- Ovary
- Ovule
- Egg

Name the part that attaches a leaf to the plant stem
Define bud fruitfulness.
The number of inflorescences that will develop from a bud.
What can limit bud fruitfulness in the next growing season?
- Shading of compound buds
- Low temperatures (under 25°C)
- Water stress
- Nutrient deficiency
Given that each inflorescence will become a bunch of grapes, the conditions during this part of the growing season can have a large influence on the next year’s yield.
Define flowering
The process of opening of the individual flowers within an inflorescence, from pollination, via germination to fertilization.
Describe the initial stage of flowering.
The fused cap of petals known as the calyptra is shed and the pollen-laden stamens (consisting of an anther and filament) are exposed.
Describe pollination.
The pollen grains are shed by the pollen-laden stamens and land on the moistened stigma surface.
What is germination?
After pollination each pollen grain produces a pollen tube. These pollen tubes penetrate the stigma and then the ovule (the female reproductive cells) in the ovary.
Describe fertilization
After pollination and germination, the pollen tube delivers the sperm cells, which fertilise the eggs in the ovule. This leads to the formation of a grape berry.
How are seeds formed?
The fertilised ovules form seeds, with up to four per grape. The wall of the ovary enlarges to form the skin and pulp of the grape.
What is fruit set?
The transition from flower to grape
How are cultivated varieties of vines dissiminated?
Research has shown that cultivated varieties of vines are normally self-pollinating (the pollen from the stamens of one flower is transferred to the stigma of the same flower, or a different flower in the same plant). Insects and wind make little contribution to pollination in grapevines.
What does the vine need during flowering and fruitset, and what are adverse conditions?
What the vine needs during this stage:
- Warm temperatures (minimum 17°C/63ºF)
- Sunlight, warmth, water and nutrients for bud fruitfulness in the next growing season
Adverse conditions:
- Rainy
- Cloudy
- Windy
- Cold temperatures
Within what period does flowering typically take place after budburst?
Within eight weeks of budburst.
However, this timing is extremely temperature dependent, with warm conditions leading to earlier flowering.
What conditions are favourable for successful flowering?
Warm conditions (minimum temperature of 17°C) are favourable for successful flowering. With such temperatures, an individual inflorescence can flower within a few days.
What conditions are UNfavourable for successful flowering?
Low temperatures can lengthen the duration of flowering, with weeks passing between the earliest and latest flowering. This has a consequential negative effect on the evenness of ripening.
How many flowers become grapes?
Not all flowers become grapes. Typically, 30 per cent of flowers will become grapes, but this can range from zero to 60 per cent.
What is the optimal temperature for pollen germination and pollen tube growth ?
What are negative factors affecting fruit set?
- Pollen tube growth is negatively affected by cold, rainy and/or windy conditions and this can result in irregular fruit set and is a key cause of poor yields in cool climates.
- Hot, dry, windy conditions leading to water stress in the vine can also have a negative effect, again leading to reduced yields.

Define coulure.
A condition of the grape bunch in which fruit set has failed for a high proportion of flowers. This occurs when ovule fertilisation is unsuccessful, and therefore no grape develops.
Some coulure is normal; however, excessive coulure can reduce yield dramatically.
What is coulure caused by?
Coulure is caused by an imbalance in carbohydrate levels.
- This can result from low rates of photosynthesis, which may be caused by cold, cloudy conditions or hot, arid conditions with high water stress (the vine stops photosynthesis to retain water).
- It can also result from vigorous shoot growth diverting carbohydrates from the inflorescence. Very fertile soils, heavy application of fertilisers and vigorous rootstocks can all cause strong shoot growth and therefore lead to coulure.
- Some grape varieties are also naturally more susceptible to coulure than others; Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec are all very susceptible.
Which grape varieties are susceptible to coulure?
Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec.
What is millerandage?
A condition of the grape bunch in which there is a high proportion of seedless grapes. The seedless grapes can still ripen normally, but are smaller than grapes with seeds.
What are the effects of millerandage?
The smaller grapes from Millerandage may reduce the volume of wine that can be produced.
Some seedless grapes stay small, green and unripe, which can be negative for wine quality.
What kind of weather promotes millerandage?
Millerandage can result from cold, wet, windy weather at pollination and fruit set, with some varieties, such as Chardonnay and Merlot, being more susceptible than others.
Which grape varieties are susceptible to millerandage?
Chardonnay and Merlot.
What 4 stages is grape development typically split into?
- Grape berry formation
- Véraison
- Ripening
- Extra-ripening
What does the vine need during grape development, and what are adverse conditions
What the vine needs during this stage:
- Sunlight
- Warmth
- Mild water stress
Adverse conditions:
- Too much water and nutrients
- Excessive shading of grapes
- Very cold or very hot conditions throughout the day and night
What happens during grape berry formation? (6)
- Hard green grapes grow in size
- Tartaric and malic acids accumulate
- Tannins accumulate promoted by sunshine on the grapes and are very bitter at this time.
- Some aroma compounds + precursors develop
- Sugar levels are low throughout this stage
- Water flow into the grape is high at this stage and it is mainly transported to the grape by the xylem
Define aroma precursors
Compounds with no aroma that will become aroma compounds during the fermentation process.
What are the characteristics of methoxypyrazines?
Methoxypyrazines contribute to herbaceous aromas/flavours in some wines, such as those made from Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc.
Define the xylem.
Xylem is a type of transport tissue that transfers water and some nutrients from the roots to other parts of the vine.
What can prolong the stage of grape berry formation?
Too much water and nitrogen can prolong this stage, as these factors encourage shoot growth in preference to grape ripening.
This causes a delay in the onset of the ripening stage and could mean that there is not sufficient time for ripening before the weather becomes cold and rainy and the grapes need to be harvested.

What can speed-up the grape berry formation stage?
Mild water stress can speed up this stage and lead to the production of smaller grapes, reducing juice yield but leading to greater skin to pulp ratio, which in red wines can be associated with better quality (higher levels of colour, tannins and aroma compounds).
Grape growers may monitor and manage water levels at this time through irrigation to influence grape formation.
What happens to shoot growth during the grape berry formation stage?
Shoot growth continues through this stage, but usually more slowly than earlier in the growing season.
What and when is the lag phase?
When grape growth slows down for a few days before véraison.
What happens during veraison? (3)
- The grape cell walls become more stretchy and supple
- green-coloured chlorophyll in skin cells is broken down; and
- grapes of black varieties start to become red in colour due to the synthesis of compounds called anthocyanins.

Define anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins are the most important natural colourants in wine grapes. Anthocyanins are a group of naturally occurring phenolic-compounds that are responsible for the red, purple and blue colours found in many fruits, vegetables and wine grapes. They belong to a parent group of molecules called flavonoids; they are odourless and virtually have no flavour, contributing to taste a moderately astringent sensation.
What is the most important viticultural stage in determining final grape quality?
What happens during ripening?
- Shoot growth should have slowed down substantially by this time.
- The cells in the grape expand rapidly,
- Sugar and water accumulate
- Acid levels fall.
- Tannins, colour and a number of aroma precursors and aroma compounds develop.
What are the conditions for photosynthesis to happen at a maximum rate?
Temperatures between 18–33°C and at sunlight levels that are above one third of full sunshine.
What slows down rate of photosynthesis?
In years with cold weather or constant cloud, rate of photosynthesis may hinder sugar levels in the grapes.
What can cause photosynthesis to slow or stop, and what is the effect?
Very hot, dry conditions that can lead to extreme water stress can cause photosynthesis to slow or stop and hence hinder sugar accumulation in this way.
Define the phloem.
Phloem is a type of transport tissue that transfers sugars from the leaves to other parts of the vine.
What happens with the xylem water flow during ripening?
During this stage of ripening, water flow via the xylem slows down and a sugar solution is transported by the phloem into the grape.
What is the sugar accumulation within the grape correlated to?
The movement of the sugary solution from the phloem into the grape, and hence the sugar accumulation within the grape is correlated to the rate of grape transpiration.
(Grapes do not have stomata and do not transpire as much as leaves, but a small amount of water can transpire through the grape skin).
What is the effect of warm, dry conditions on sugar levels, and why?
Grape transpiration and therefore sugar accumulation is faster in warm, dry conditions than cool, humid conditions.
In warm conditions, this accumulation of sugar can be too rapid and reach high levels before aromas/flavours and tannins have developed fully.
What happens with tartaric acid during ripening?
The total amount of tartaric acid in the grape generally does not change; however, its concentration falls during ripening due to dilution, as sugar and water accumulate in the grape.
Does the total amount of tartaric acid in the grape change?
It falls even further than that of tartaric acid. Because malic acid can be used in respiration during the ripening stage (before this point, sugar is used in respiration).
Why do wines from cooler climates tend to have higher natural acidity?
Respiration is slower at cool temperatures than warm ones and this is why wines from cooler climates tend to have higher natural acidity.
Define respiration
The process in which energy is released from food substances (ex, sugar)
What can lead to a rapid loss of acidity?
Mean temperatures above 21°C in the final month of ripening can lead to a rapid loss of acidity (and a rise in pH)
What can reduce acid loss?
Mean temperatures below 15°C can reduce acid loss to a point that acidity levels in the must are too high.’
Uittreksel van: WSET London school. ‘D1 Wine Production’. Apple Books.
Why can warm areas with a high diurnal range (e.g. Central Otago, Washington State) produce wines with higher acidity than those with warmer night time temperatures?
Cool night time temperatures mean that less malic acid is lost during respiration.
What happens with methoxypyrazine levels during ripening?
During ripening, methoxypyrazine levels fall, but cool temperatures and limited sunlight (e.g. due to excessive shading of bunches) can hinder this decrease and the resulting wines may show particularly herbaceous aromas/flavours.
What happens with aroma compounds during ripening?
(Other than methoxypyrazine) aroma compounds and aroma precursors increase during the ripening stage.
The influence of grape variety and natural resources such as heat and light (or indeed other climatic or viticultural factors) on the synthesis of different aroma compounds and aroma precursors is incredibly complex. The range of different aroma compounds and precursors that can be found in grapes is huge, and the synthesis, degradation or retention of each of these compounds may be influenced by heat and light in a different way.
What aromas do terpenes give?
fForal and citrus aromas such as the grapey aromas found in Muscat.
Although it is difficult to make a direct link between ripening conditions and aroma compounds in the grapes, what kind of aromas are produced in warmer, sunnier climates?
Broadly speaking, warmer, sunnier climates tend to produce grapes and wines with aromas that could be described as ‘riper’ than cooler, less sunny climates.
For example, Chardonnay shows aromas of green and citrus fruit in cool climates and stone fruit and tropical fruit in warm climates.
What’s happens with tannin during ripening?
In black grapes, levels of tannins are high at véraison and decrease slightly throughout ripening. The tannins polymerise and this causes them to become less bitter. Sunshine on the grapes promotes tannin accumulation pre-véraison and greater polymerisation post-véraison. In white grapes, tannin levels are much lower.
What happens with anthocyanins during ripening?
Anthocyanins increase during the ripening stage, and increase most rapidly with plentiful sunlight and temperatures between approximately 15°C (59°F) and 25°C (77°F).
What factors will influence length of ripening stage? (4)
- Grape variety
- Climatic conditions
- Management of the vine and vineyard
- Time of harvest
- *Ad 1 Grape variety** – Some grape varieties naturally ripen earlier than others. Chardonnay and Pinot Noir are examples of early ripening grape varieties. Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache are late ripening varieties.
- *ad. 2 Climatic conditions** – Sugar ripening is quickest in warm, dry conditions. However, very hot or dry conditions can cause the vine to shut down, which inhibits grape formation and ripening.
- *ad. 3 Management of the vine and vineyard** – Heavy crop loads, excessive shading within the vine canopy and shoots that are still actively growing can all slow down ripening.
- *ad 4. Time of harvest** – Harvest depends on human factors (desired wine style, logistics) or natural factors (weather such as rain, onset of disease).
What happens in the extra-ripening stage?
- Grapes start to shrivel.
- No more sugar or water are imported to the grape by the phloem at this stage, but water loss in the grape through grape transpiration means that sugars are concentrated.
- Extra-ripe aromas can also develop in this stage. This may be desirable in some styles of wine, but not in others.
Grape shrivelling is most likely in hot, sunny, dry climates. In addition, some grape varieties are more susceptible than others (e.g. Syrah is particularly susceptible). The capacity to leave grapes on the vine also depends on weather conditions and disease pressure.
What are the key parameters that determine ripeness?
- The level of sugar
- The profile of the aromas/flavours in the grapes
- Tannin ripeness (red wine)
Ad 1. The level of sugar in the grapes is one of the key parameters that determines ripeness. In dry wines, the amount of sugar in the grapes will be directly linked to the alcohol in the wine. In sweet wines, the amount of sugar in the grapes will influence both the sweetness of the final wine and the alcohol.
Ad 2. The profile of the aromas/flavours in the grapes is an important parameter in deciding whether grapes are ready to be harvested. This parameter in particular may be very individual to the grape grower or wine producer and the style of wine that is to be made. In very broad terms, as grapes ripen the aromas tend to change from under-ripe and often herbaceous, to fresh fruit and then to riper fruit, and even jammy or cooked.
Ad 3. Tannin ripeness is another essential parameter in red wine production. During grape formation, skin tannins accumulate but are bitter to taste. During ripening, tannins polymerise and become less bitter. The relationship between the tannin compounds in the grapes and the sensation of tannins in the finished wine is very complex and not well understood. During winemaking and maturation, the tannin compounds that are extracted from the grapes react with other compounds and as part of this their expression may change. Furthermore, even without these reactions, other compounds in the wine can change our perceptions of tannins, for example, a small amount of residual sugar can make tannins appear softer, whereas in bone dry wines with high acidity, tannins can often be perceived as having more astringency. In any case, wine producers are generally looking to avoid bitter unripe tannins, and this will therefore play a part in harvesting decisions.
What is considered as optimal ripeness?
What is considered as optimal ripeness (the time at which the combination of the sugar, tannin and aroma ripeness is at its most favourable) will depend on wine style, grape variety, and the preferences of the winemaker, but, ultimately, the aim will be to produce a balanced wine.
If this is not possible naturally, adjustments in the winery can be made. It is easier to adjust sugar, alcohol or acid levels than to work with grapes that have unripe tannins and/or aromas; therefore, many grape growers will focus on attaining the desired level of tannin and aroma ripeness.
Define canes.
The green shoots from the previous growing season that have lignified (have turned brown and woody).
What happens to the vine in autumn?
leaves fall, carbohydrate reserves are laid down in the roots, trunk and branches and the vine enters its dormant period.