D.1 Gravitational Fields Flashcards
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
Every single point mass attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their seperation
Point mass
A mass which does not take up any space
What two things must be true for Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation to work?
Both masses will experience the same size force and the objects are point masses if the distance between them is large compared to the physical size of the objects
Gravitational fields
A region of space where a mass experiences a force because of it’s mass
Gravitational field strength definition
The force per unit mass experienced by a small point mass placed at that point
Nkg-1 (vector)
Combined gravitational fields
Sum of individual field strengths ie g1-g2
Orbital motion
Motion of one body around another, following a curved path
For an object orbiting another object, the force is
Centripetal force = gravitational force
Kepler’s First Law
Planets move on ellipses with the Sun at one foot of the ellipse
Closest to the sun
Furthest from the sun
Major and minor axis
Major is horizontal long, minor is vertical short
Kepler’s Second Law
The line joining a planet and the sun sweeps equal areas in equal times (proves that the planet is moving the fastest when it is closest to the Sun)
How can you prove that the object is moving fastest at perihelion?
Vp/Va = SA/SP
Kepler’s Third Law
The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semimajor (half of major) axis of the orbit. (PROOF Fc=Fg, mw^2=(GMm/r^2), m^4pi^2r/T^2 = GMm/r^2, r^3=(GM/4pi^2) T^2. G, M, 4, pi are all constant, r^3 prop to T^2)