D1, C2 - Graphs & Networks Flashcards
What are the points on graphs called
Vertices or Nodes
What are the lines on graphs called
Edges or Arcs
What is a graph that has number associated with an edge or arc called
Weighted graph or Network
What is a vertex set
A set of all the vertices
e.g. A, B, C, …
What is a edge set
A set of all the edges
e.g. AB, AC, BC, …
What is a subgraph
A part of a graph
What is the degree / valency / order of a vertex
The number of edges incident (coming out of the vertex)
What are the types of degree for a vertex (2)
What is a walk
Any route through a graph from a vertex to a vertex
What is a path
A walk in which no vertex is visited more than once
What is a trail
A walk in which no edge is visited more than once
What is a cycle
A walk in which the start and end vertex are the same. No other vertex is visited more than once
What is a Hamiltonian cycle
A cycle that includes every vertex
What is a connected graph
A graph will all of its vertices connected
What is a loop
An edge that starts and finishes at the same vertex