D - Usurious Transactions & Presumptions Flashcards
Relevant Articles on Usurious Transactions & Presumptions
1956, 1957
Usurious transactions shall be governed by special laws
No interest shall be due unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing.
Contracts and stipulations, under any cloak or device whatever, intended to circumvent the laws against usury shall be void. The borrower may recover in accordance with the laws on usury
meaning of simple loan or mutuum
- contract where one of the parties delivers to another money or other consumable thing
- the condition that the same amount of the same kind & quality shall be paid.
- it may be gratuitous or w/ a stipulation to pay interest
meaning of usury
- the interest stipulated is not aligned with special law
Usury is contracting for or receiving interest in excess of the amount allowed by law for the loan or use of money, goods, chattels, or credits.
Kinds of Interest
- Simple Interest
- Compound Interest
- Legal Interest
- Lawful Interest
- Unlawful interest
2209 (simple interest)
If the obligation consists in the payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs in delay, the indemnity for damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be the payment of the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of stipulation, the legal interest, which is six per cent per annum.
- the damages for the delay is the payment of the stipulated interest and absent thereof shall be 6%
2212 (compound interest)
Interest due shall earn legal interest from the time it is judicially demanded, although the obligation may be silent upon this point
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 2212, interest due and unpaid SHALL NOT earn interest. [However], the contracting parties may by stipulation capitalize the interest due and unpaid, which as added principal, shall earn new interest.
Article 2212 deals with when interest starts to accrue additional interest from the time of judicial demand.
Article 1959 addresses the general rule that unpaid interest does not itself earn further interest, except when parties agree to capitalize the unpaid interest, in which case it becomes part of the principal and starts accruing new interest.
Eastern Shipping Lines (1991) Formula on how to compute interest
breach of contract
simple ex. of not paying loan on time
First know the type of obligation breach of payment of sum of money [lfgcj]
(loan, forbearance of money, goods, credits, or judgment)
[Base] - A
1. Interest due
[Rate] - A
2. interest will be what is stipulated, if not stipulated and/or not contra bonos mores, it shall be the legal interest which is (6% as of july 1, 2013)
[Accrual] - A
3. absent of a stipulated reckoning date, accrual shall be computed from default (judicial or extrajudicial demands as per art. 1169) UNTIL full payment without compounding any interest UNLESS stipulated in contract, or expressed by law, or regulation
[Base] - B
Interest due on the principal amount accruing due to judicial demand shall separately earn legal interest
[Rate]- B
6% per annum (legal interest)
[Accrual] - B
Accrues from the time judicial demand was made UNTIL full payment
no Legal Interest will be added [after] judgment becomes final and executory
unlike eastern shipping lines v. ca & nacar v. gallery frames
Eastern Shipping Lines Formula (year 1991) on how to compute interest
damages (duty to compensate)
or when obligation, NOT constituting a loan or forbearance of money, is breached
ex. your car was hit, and repairmen gives an estimate only
demand established reasonable certainty
6% per annum (legal interest)
from the time claim is made extrajudicially or judicially, UNTIL full payment
[Base] - B
when demand does NOT establish reasonable certainty
[Rate] - B
6% per annum (legal interest)
[Accrual] - B
From the date of the judgment of the trial court (at which time the quantification of damages may be deemed to have been reasonably ascertained), UNTIL full payment
Nacar formula (year 2013) on how to compute interest
[par. 1]
breach in the payment of sum of money (loan or forbearance of payment)
1. Interest Due
1. Interest is what is stipulated. [further], the interest due will also earn legal interest from the time it is judicially demanded
- If stipulation absent, the rate shall be 6% per annum from default (judicial/extrajudicial demand according to 1169)
10k (principal)
10% (stipulated interest)
6% (legal interest)
1k - (stated interest)
60 - (legal interest from principal interest)
Nacar formula (year 2013) on how to compute interest
damages (duty to compensate)
[par. 2]
or when obligation, NOT constituting a loan or forbearance of money, is breached
ex. your car was hit, and repairmen gives an estimate only)
interest on the amount of damages awarded by discretion of the court at 6% per annum.
No interest will be given on unliquidated claims or damages [EXC] when demand can establish reasonable certainty
Once established, *interest shall begin to run from the time the CLAIM is made judicially or extrajudicially
But if reasonable certainty CANNOT be established at the time demand/claim is made, interest will only begin to run from the judgement of the court since the quantification of damages has now been reasonably ascertained
The actual base for the computation of legal interest shall in any case, be on the amount finally adjudged.
“actual base for the computation of legal interest” refers to the principal amount on which this 6% interest is calculated.
Nacar formula (year 2013) on how to compute interest
[par. 3]
judgment of the court awarding a sum of money becomes final & executory
legal interest is 6% per annum from such finality until its satisfaction
And, in addition to the above, judgements that have become final and executory prior to July 1, 2013, shall NOT be disturbed and shall continue to be implemented applying the rate of interest fixed therein.
the interim period being deemed to be by then an equivalent to a forebearance of credit.
Obligation default 2005, filed case 2010, until now it is pending year 2024. Now you are the judge
a. Write a demand letter to put someone in default
b. If you were the judge who will render a decision now, how will you compute the interest rate and the damages
Compute 12% from 2005 up to June 30 2013, after July 1 2013 will be 6% because the case is PENDING it’s not final judgment
Lara’s Gift formula (year 2019) on how to compute interest
**obligation is breached and consists of payment of sum of money
interest due will be the one stipulated (always in writing) provided it is not contra bonus mores
absence of stipulated reckoning date, computation of [STIPULATED interest] shall be from default (extra-j, judicial) UBTIL FULL PAYMENT
w/o compounding interest unless expressly stipulated by the parties, by law or by regulation
The INTEREST DUE on the [principal amount] accruing as of JUDICIAL demand shall separately earn LEGAL interest at the prevailing rate prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas from the time of judicial demand [UNTIL FULL PAYMENT]
[par. 2]
in the absence of a stipulated interest in a [lfgcj], the rate of interest on the PRINCIPAL AMOUNT shall be the prevailing legal interest prescribed by BSP which shall be computed from default
A trading company, ABC Enterprises, entered into transactions with XYZ Suppliers, a supplier of industrial and construction materials, from January to December 2007, amounting to a total of P1.3 Million The purchases were made on a 60-day credit term (acquire goods based on credit), with a condition that 24% per annum interest would be charged on overdue accounts.
A demand letter for settlement was issued on January 21, 2008, ABC Enterprises failed to pay the outstanding accounts. Consequently, on February 5, 2008, XYZ Suppliers filed a Complaint for Sum of Money with Prayer for Attachment against ABC Enterprises.
Based on the given facts, how would you rule
- 1.3 million representing the principal amount plus stipulated interest at 24% per annum to be computed by January 21, 2008 (extrajudicial demand) until full payment
- Legal interest on the 24% per annum interest due on the principal amount accruing as of (judicial demand), at the rate of 12% per annum from the date of judicial demand on [5 February 2008 until 30 June 2013], and thereafter at the rate of 6% per annum from [1 July 2013 until full payment.]
judgement is grouped alongside with loan forberance in lara’s case
whereas the eastern and nacar is a third category
on lara’s, if the parties agreed on payment of interest in writing, and no stipulated interest rate
what differentiates lara’s gift from the cases,
“until full payment”
compuodned applies only to stipulated (applicable to loan, sell on credit
gen, you dono’t compound unless it was stiuplated that even the compesnatory interest will earn interest (in the form of penalty charges)
the rule that stipulated intereest may be declared contra bones (only applicable to stipulated interest) regardless of the amount because that’s law
Interest payment: “The receipt of the principal by the creditor, without reservation with respect to the interest, shall give rise to the presumption that said interest has been paid.” (1176 cf. 1253: payment of
interest precedes payment of principal as rule)
receipt of the principal by the creditor -
due: 100k (Principal)
20k (interest)
then debtor brings 100k
1. i pay 100k (what is the effect of paying 100k)
1253 “ If the debt produces interest, payment of the principal shall not be deemed to have been made until the interests have been covered.”
the presumption is that the said interest has been paid
1253 - the 100k payment is paid to the interest (20k) , and the 80k remaining of it to the principal so the outstanding now is 20k
- rule on application of payment
AoP - presupposes that the obligor/debtor pays but the paymenet will NOT satisfy all outstanding obligations.
1176 - debtor says he is paying the P, and creditor accepts. so the statement “if there is no reservation” is this scenario
1176 and 1253, where do you apply them?
debtor delivered the amount of 100k and creditor accepted.
1253 - by operation of law, the result/effect is 20k paid, 80k is the P balance
how to effect resevation in the scenario
1176 - creditor will accept the 100k but there is a note that says interest of 20k is still unpaid/not paid yet
why would 1253 focus on paying on the interest?
this rule is for the benefit of the creditor.