d Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the abdominal cavity?
The abdominopelvic cavity includes both the [abdomen and the pelvis], which are separated by the imaginary border of the [pelvic inlet]. Thus, it is located in between the thoracic diaphragm and the pelvic diaphragm. It is lined by peritoneum.
- Can go has high as the 4thintercostal space.
- Above the pelvic inlet is called the greater pelvis.
What are the divisions of the abdominal wall in 9 regions?
From R–> L
- RH (right hypochondrium)
- E (epigastric)
- LH (left hypochondriac)
- RL (right flank; lateral region)
- U (umbilical)
- LL (left flank; lateral region)
- RI (right inguinal; groin)
- P (pubic)
- LI (left inguinal; groin)
Describe the 4 quadrant division of the abdomen and the organs in each.
The 4 quadrants are separated by the [median plane] (up and down) and the [transumbilical plane] (L-R): RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, LLQ.
What are the contents in the RUQ?
- R lobe of the liver
- gallbladder
- R kidney
- R adrenal gland
- Pylorus of the stomach
- Dudodenum (1-3)
- Ascending colon (superior part)
- Transverse colon (right side)
- Head of the pancrease
What are the contents in the LUQ?
- L lobe of the liver
- Spleen
- L kidney
- L adrenal gland
- Stomach
- Jejunum and superior part of the ileum
- Descending colon (superior part)
- Transverse colon (L side)
- Body and tail of the pancreas
What are the contents in the RLQ?
- Appendix
- Cecum
- Ascending colon (inferior part)
- Most of the ileum
- R ovary
- R uterine tube
- R ureter
- R spermatic cord
- bladder
- Uterus
What are the contents in the LLQ? (8)
- Descending colon (inferior part)
- Sigmoid colon
- L ovary
- L uterine tube
- L ureter
- L spermatic cord
- Bladder
- uterus
Name the 6 important abdominal planes.
- Xiphersternal plane goes from the 7th rib–> T9
- Transplyloric plane goes from the 9th rib–> L1
- Subcostal plane goes from 10th rib–> L3
- Supracristal plane goes from the top of the iliac crests –> L4
- Transtubercle plane is at L5 (widest part of the hips and is located between the iliac tubercles at the ileocecal junction)
- Interspinous plane is between ASIS–> S2
What organs are in the transpyloric plane (L1)?
- Stomach (pylorus)
- Gallbladder
- Neck of the pancreas
- Hilia of the kidney
What organs are in the subcostal plane (L3)?
Below 10th rib–> L3
Transverse colon
What organs are in the transtubercle plane (L5)?
Ileocecal junction
What organs are in the interspinous plane (S2)?
Located between the ASIS and is where the appendix and sigmoid colon is located.
If we wanted to located the appendix or the sigmoid colon, what plane would we look at and what part of the abdomen?
Both the appendix and the sigmoid colon are located at the [interspinous plane]. However, the appendix is located at the RLQ and the sigmoid colon is located at the LLQ.
If we wanted to locate the transverse colon, what plane would we look at and what areas of the abdomen?
- The transverse colon is located at the subcostal plane (below the 10th rib–> L3).
- The R side of the transverse colon is located in the RUQ and the L side is located in the LUQ.
What plane would we find the ileocecal junction?
Transtubercule plane
What are the layers of the abdominal wall?
Skin→ Camper’s fascia → Scarpa’s fascia → EO muscle → IO muscle → Transversus abdominis m. → Transversalis fascia → extraperitoneal fat → parietal peritoneum
What is the outer layer of the abdominal wall made up of?
Outer layer of the abdominal wall has 4 parts: [Skin, CF, SF and aponeurosis],
- Tough and thick
- Covers the rectus abdominus and forms a rectus sheath.
During liposuction, ______ fascia is removed. If ______ fascia is removed, it causes a botched liposuction.
During liposuction, Camper’s fascia is removed. If Scarpa’s fascia is removed, it causes a botched liposuction.
_______ fascia is a fatty layer of the superficial fascia.
Camper’s fascia is a fatty layer of the superficial fascia.
___________ is a deep membranous layer of fascia.
Scarpa’s fascia is the membranous underlying CT later of superficial fascia.
What would happen if you had bleeding between Scarpa’s fascia and the abdominal aponeurotic tissue?
- Scarpa’s fascia is continous with Colle’s fascia of the perinium, but also fused with the fascia lata of the lower limb.
- Not go into leg, but it would go into Colle’s fascia.
What happens when Scarpa’s fascia enters the scrotum?
It changes its name to Dartos fascia.
What is the linea alba?
The central meeting of two aponeurosis.
What are the 3 anterior abdominal muscles?
1. External oblique m.
2. Internal oblique m.
3. Transversus abdominis m.