D 006 Pipelines Flashcards
d 056 3.3.2 Notification
page 14
The applicant must provide a copy of its project-specific information package and the letter from the Chairman of the AER
**For notification PSI
If meet face to fae: most importasnt Confirmation of non objection**
- offer the participants copies of a) the AER brochure Understanding Oil and Gas Development in Alberta, Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 056: Energy Development Applications and Schedules (October 2018) 15 b) the AER publication EnerFAQs: Proposed Oil and Gas Development; A Landowner’s Guide, c) the AER publication EnerFAQs: Expressing Your Concerns – How to File a Statement of Concern About an Energy Resource Project, and d) all current AER EnerFAQs publications as set out on the AER website
Always leave that PSI letter because it is
very specific Pipeline Discontinuation Industry and public notification is ?? for discontinuations.
not mandatory Pipeline Abandonment
When abandoning a pipeline, the licensee must conduct …
notification with parties along the entire pipeline right-of-way and those affected by setbacks prior to any abandonment procedures.
- 9.1.3 Partial Pipeline Removals
82) When applying for a partial pipeline removal and prior to undertaking any activity, the licensee must
(Follow pipeline regulations)
conduct notification with parties along the pipeline right-of-way and associated setbacks.
84) When resuming operation of an abandoned pipeline, the licensee must demonstrate compliance with personal consultation, confirmation of nonobjection, and notification requirements for all parties along the entire pipeline right-of-way and those affected by setbacks
- 9.1.5 Pipeline Removal
85) When applying to remove a pipeline and prior to undertaking any activity, the licensee must conduct
notification with parties along the pipeline right-of-way and associated setbacks.
- 9.1.6 Surface Pipelines
86) A Directive 056 pipeline application is not required for category B, C, and D surface pipelines in continuous service for less than ? days for well testing purposes; however, the company must obtain landowner nonobjection.
If g
If goes more than 21 - do P2
- 9.1.7 Maximum Operating Pressure Increase
87) If the applicant determines that any change in pipeline operation will change either the personal consultation and confirmation of nonobjection and/or the notification requirements, the applicant must
initiate consultation and/or notification. Liner Type Notification is not mandatory for liner installations or removals
inner tubing
Is this an issue for P2?
- 9.1.10 Pipeline Installation
89) When applying for a pipeline installation, the applicant must fulfil personal consultation, confirmation of nonobjection, and notification requirements for parties in accordance with table 3.
90) Applicants must discuss noise matters with area residents during the design, construction, and operating phases of the pipeline installation.
Flag table $
93) To get an extended expiry date for an existing licence, the licensee must update its survey and participant involvement program before it acts on the licence.
Flag tab
3.10.3 Consultation and Notification Requirements by Well Type The consultation and notification requirements for wells by type are listed in table 5. The category type of a well is determined by the H2S content, H2S release rate, and proximity to the public. 94) The applicant must identify the correct category type for the proposed well project and perform all associated consultations and notifications. 95) For wells containing H2S, the applicant must base the category type on the maximum wellhead, cumulative drilling, producing, or completion H2S release rate. Applicants must review available production data and consider future production operations that may result in a reservoir originally not containing H2S gas evolving to gas containing H2S
Stakeholder notification that has been completed as part of a Directive 023 application for a new in situ oil sands project or an amendment to an existing project satisfies the participant involvement requirements for any related Directive 056 application for the associated wells within the AERapproved in situ oil sands project area