Cystic Fibrosis Flashcards
How does a patient present with cystic fibrosis?
Failure to gain weight, loose greasy stools, intermittent productive cough, wheezing, past medical history of pneumonia multiple times
What are the positive physical examination for this patient?
Emaciated, lower than expected height and weight, generalized hyper-resonance, scattered crepitations bilaterally, expiratory wheezes
What are the possible vital signs?
TachyCardia hypertension, fever
What is the initial order that should be done for cystic fibrosis patients?
Admit to ward, Pulse oximetry Q4, IV access,Sputum Gram stain, sputum culture and sensitivity, blood culture, CBC with differential, chest x-ray PA/lateral, sinus x-ray, BMP, sweat chloride, 72 hour fecal estimation
What is the initial treatment for this patient?
Ambulation at will, regular diet, vitals Q6, D5NS, Chest physiotherapy, multivitamin tablets, nebulized albuterol four times a day, amoxicillin and clavulanic acid Augmentin, oxygen inhalation of saturation is less than 92% on room air
What is the findings for CBC, sweat chloride, BMP, x-ray⁉️
CBC has neutrophilic leukocytosis, BMP has low sodium and potassium, x-ray shows hyper inflation of both lung fields and Opacification of paranasal sinuses
What are the symptoms for cystic fibrosis?
Persistent or acute respiratory symptoms, failure to thrive, the conium Ellis ileus, diarrhea, rectal prolapse, nasal polyps, electrolyte or acid-based disorders and hepatobiliary disease
What is used to diagnose describe roses?
Elevator sweat chloride on two separate occasions as evidence of CFT are dysfunction
What is evidence to diagnose malabsorption?
24 hour fecal fat estimation
What prophylactic immunizations should be given for cystic fibrosis patients?
Influenza, measles, pertussis
What is the expected FEV1 for cystic fibrosis?
30% or less of the predicted value
What is the nutrition for cystic fibrosis patients?
high protein and high calories, fat soluble vitamins, pancreatic enzyme replacement
What is a drastic measurement for patients with cystic fibrosis who have severe infections and a grossly damaged lungs?
Long transplantation
What can be used for patients with CF who have a hyper active airway?
Inhailed glucocorticoids
What could be given for patients with daily productive cough plus airway attraction?
What should be given for a patient who exhibits airway obstruction?
Bronchodilators like albuterol for salmeterol
We should be done for CF patients with more retained purulent secretions
Physiotherapy, and exercise
oxygen therapy should be given to with patients?
Patients with hypoxemia at night or rest or pulmonary hypertension
What antibiotic should be given for staph aureus patients?
Cephalexin, dicloxacillin or amoxicillin clavulanate (all oral antibiotics)
We should be given for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections?
Ciprofloxacin as oral antibiotic; If IV regimen then a combination of tobramycin and anti-pseudomonal penicillin like pipercillin