Cycle 4 Flashcards
What does one leave around a coffin cut and why?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Removed pieces of the roof as a warning to others
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
What is a good way to make an early inspection of the cockloft of a fire on the top floor apartment?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Go to a room adjacent to the fire and make an observation hole in that ceiling.
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
What tool should one use to push down the ceiling after cutting the roof?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Back of the hook
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
When cutting a roof, where should the wind be?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
At their back to minimize personal exposure
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
What is wrong with this sentence?
“After making a 3 x 6 coffin cut infront of the gooseneck ladder I opened up the roof with the back of the hook”
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
“Infront of the gooseneck ladder”
Make sure to keep paths of travel clear from holes.
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
What is Auto-Exposure?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Extension of fire via the exterior of a building from a fire originating in the same building.
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
What is common atribute of a modern fire?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
A rapid growth stage that leads to an early vent limited decay stage
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
What is a vent indication that a fire is being wind driven?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Smoke and fire venting downwards, horizontally or pulsing from an opening in the building.
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
True or False?
The absence of smoke pushing from a building is a positive sign?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
It can mean an early vent limited decay stage
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
When should the horizontal ventilation for extinguishment begin?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
After water is on the main body of fire
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Ventilation for Search can occur only to do what?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Search for a KNOWN life hazard
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
When should vertical ventilation occur on a NFMD?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Immediately unless given a transmission to withhold or delay vertical ventilation.
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Does Horizontal ventilation always require permission from the LCO?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Who is in control of horizontal ventilation of a HRFPMD?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
First due Ladder Company Officer
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Does one need permission from the IC before providing vertical vent via the attack stair bulkheads in a LRFPMD?
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)
Cycle 4 (Ventliation)