cybernetics Flashcards

Organisation. Systems theory


General properties of Cybernetic systems

Types of systems by the degree of determinism of their response

Types of systems by the type of interaction with the environment

Elements of interaction

Biological Cybernetic systems

Biological systems- complexity

Biological systems- Determinism

Biological systems-organisation


Information Theory

Communication system

Messages, signals and channels

Alphabetic code

Alphabet code-example

Isomorphism and Noise

Storing and retaining information

Measuring information

Information in the human DNA


Program and Reference

Control system

Open loop control

Closed loop control

Closed loop control system in the body(reflex arc)

Positive feedback

Significance of positive feedback Loops

Beneficial positive feedback

Detrimental positive feedback

Stress and positive feedback

Negative feedback

Negative Feedback Regulation System

Significance negative feedback Loops

Negative feedback-example

Types of control and quality of the control system

Scientific Modelling

Scientific modelling and simulation

Mathematical model

Physical model

Biological model