CXR Flashcards
Normal rotation
Medial ends of clavicles are equidistant from spinous processes
Normal inspiratory effort
Can see between 5-7 anterior ribs
Adequate exposure
Both lung apices and shoulder joints
Both costophrenic angles
Lateral borders of chest wall
Adequate penetration
Can see spinous processes through heart
How to tell if AP
Heart enlarged
Scapula in way
Horizontal clavicles
What does an enlarged aortic knuckle suggest
Aortic aneurysm
Features of consolidated lung
Air bronchogram as alveoli and small vessels fill with cellular exudate but small airways remain patent
Appearance of cavitation
Round lesion with central darkened area (necrosis)
Causes of cavitation
Malignancy (except cannonball mets)
Septic emboli
Appearance of military TB
Diffuse opacities in both lungs
Appearance of sarcoidosis
Bilateral hilar node calcification
Appearance of heart failure
ABCDE Alveolar oedema (batwing) (Kerly) B lines Cardiomegaly Diversion/dilation of upper lobe veins Effusion
Appearance of pneumoperitoneum
Gas under R hemidiaphragm
Appearance of phrenic nerve damage
Ipsilateral elevated hemidiaphragm
Appearance of hiatus hernia
Gastric bubble above diaphragm
What sign is seen due to colon above diaphragm
Childati’s sign
What are cervical ribs associated with
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Appearance of pulmonary oedema
Upper lobe diversion
Small bilateral effusion