CVS Imaging And Anatomy Flashcards
What methods of radiography are good for looking at the heart?
MRI is very good
CT is good with contrast
What are the three layers of arteries and veins?
Tunica interna (endothelium)
Tunica media (smooth muscle and elastic fibres)
Tunica externa or adventitia (connective tissue)
How is blood moved through veins?
Many located in muscle so when muscle contracts blood is forced through veins
Inhalation also creates negative thoracic pressure which draws venous blood up
What is a dicrotic notch?
Where blood pressure in the aorta is slightly increased due to the closing of the aortic valve
What are the first vessels to come off the aorta?
The right and left coronary arteries
Why is the aorta very elastic?
Allows it to expand and contact which means it can accommodate the stroke volume without affecting blood pressure too much and this helps with smooth flow
What is the problem with stiffening of the arteries?
Caused by smoking an old age it prevents the artery from being elastic and being able to accommodate the stroke volume without having a huge impact on blood pressure
What is cardiac output?
CO= stroke volume X heart rate
Cardiac output at rest?
5L/min for a 70kg man
What is average heart rate and stroke volume?
HR= 60-90
Stroke volume= 55-83 ml per beat
Effect of exercise and elite athletes and Cardiac output?
20-35L per minute
HR 150-200
SV up to 200ml per beat
What are the layers of the heart wall?
Epicardium on outside which is a serous membrane providing a smooth outer surface. Layer of adipose tissue also where coronary arteries found .
Myocardium- this is the thickest layer consisting of cardiac muscle
Endocardium- smooth inner surface of the heart chambers
Trabeculae carnae- muscular ridge and columns on inside walls of ventricles
What is heart failure?
Where heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the demands of the body. Blood from pulmonary vein backs up and leads to fluid in the lungs and breathlessness.
What happens to dead heart muscle?
Cartilaginous scar tissue is laid down in its place
What are the two semilunar valves?
Aortic and pulmonary
What are the names of the valves in the heart?
Tricuspid and bicuspid (mitral)
Which valves are open during diastole?
The bicuspid and tricuspid which allow the ventricles to fill with blood
What is tranoesophageal echocardiography?
Swallow a probe and can take pics of heart from oesophagus. Ultrasound
What are the three main coronary arteries?
The right coronary and the left coronary which breaks into the circumflex artery and the left anterior descending artery
What does the coronary sinus do?
Returns blood from the cardiac veins to the inferior vena cava
What is angiography?
Medical imaging used to see blood vessels