CVN NATOPS Flashcards
Carrier Control Area
A circular airspace with a radius of 50NM around the carrier from surface to infinity.
Carrier Control Zone
A circular airspace with a radius of 5NM around the carrier from surface-2500’
A signal to hold and conserve fuel at an altitude and position appropriate to type of aircraft
Ships magnetic heading during flight ops
Fox Corpen
Ships true heading during flight ops
Operational Commitment
A situation of such compelling urgency that failure to grant a deviation from established explosive safety criteria will have a deleterious impact on the mission readiness of naval forces
A pilot coded report indicating aircraft is flying in clouds or area of reduced visibility
The local time at which a helicopter will no longer be SAR capable and ha approximately 30min of flight time remaining.
Flight Deck Clothing
flight deck trousers, jersey, flotation device, steel toe boots, leather gloves, helmet with goggles
Flight plan requirements
Flights that:
terminate ashore
proceed across ADIZ boundaries
proceed over land
Close Proximity ops
Exchange of airplans for any flight operations within 10NM
Air Transfer Officer
Pax, Mail, and Cargo
Operations Officer
Responsible for the control of airborne aircraft, except when control is assigned to other authority.
In charge of EMCON
Air Operations Officer
Responsible for all matters pertaining to flight operations, and shall determine the approach type and required degree of control.
Air Officer
Responsible for all matters pertaining to flight operations in the carrier control zone.
Landing Signal Officer
Responsible for visual control of aircraft in the terminal phase of approach immediately prior to landing.
The Pilot is responsible for the safe and orderly conduct of the flight.
Case I: When it is anticipated that flight will not encounter IMC during daytime departures and recoveries. No lower than 3000’-5nm
Case II: When it is anticipated that flights may encounter IMC during day departs or recovers. No lower than 1000’-5nm
Case III: When it is anticipated that flights will encounter IMC during a departure or recover. Lower than 1000’-5nm. Or a nighttime departure or recovery, (.5 hour after sunset and .5 hour before sunrise)
Degrees of Control
Positive, Advisory, Monitor, Nonradar
Positive Control
Ceiling less than 500’
Visibility <1NM
All flight ops at night (1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise) except as modified by the OTC
During mandatory letdown in thunderstorm areas
In other situations where weather phenomena might cause difficulty to pilots
Advisory Control
Shall be utilized when the traffic density in an operating area requires a higher degree of control for safety of flight. Normally limited to VMC.
Traffic separation is the responsibility of Pilot.
Monitor Control
This control shall be used only when aircraft are operating VMC outside controlled airspace
When shipboard radar is inop.
Separation Criteria
7rpm radar
>50NM - 5 miles
<50NM - 3 miles
<12 and on approach or downwind - 2 miles
on final <5 - 1.5 miles
Any other control radars 5nm
Nonradar control - 2 min or 5NM
Vertical Separation
Helos - 500’
Jets - 1000’ up to FL290
Jets - 2000’ up above FL 290
Lost Comms Codes
0- OK
1- Hyds
2- Electric
3- Fuel
4- Oxygen
5- Engine
Second Digit
0- no radio PALS/ILM OK
1- no radio TACAN OK
2- no radio ADF OK
3- radio OK no navaids
70- desire tanker
71-intend bingo
72- desire aircraft to assist
Case 1
A ceiling of 3000’ - 5NM
Case 2
A ceiling no lower than 1000-5NM
Positive Control shall be utilized within 10NM and ship in sight
Max # of aircraft is limited to 6
Case 3
A ceiling lower than 1000-5NM
Flight ops conducted between 1/2 hour after sunset - 1/2 hour before sunrise
Approach Minimums
Non-Precision 300 - 3/4
Precision 200 - 1/2
Missed approach
Helicopters climb straight ahead on extended final bearing to 300 feet.
If no instructions prior to 4NM or 2 minutes ahead of ship, Re-enter through 3 DME fix or turn inbound 2 min past abeam
Ordnance Stuff
Preferred hellfire and drl loading spot 3 or 4
Refueling shall not be conducted while loading/downloading
Flight deck is always preferred place to load
- Flight deck
- Hangar deck
- Sponsons
Hung Ordnance
Advise the ship early
The pilot shall not leave the cockpit until satisfied ordnance is safe
Mx on Loaded Aircraft
Maintenance shall not be conducted on aircraft loaded with weapons, however minor maintenance can be performed with the following restrictions
- Weapons shall be safed
- Weapon loaded placard
- Mx with power connected shall not be performed
- An aircraft requiring extensive troubleshooting shall be downloaded
LSE Signals
Engine Start, Rotor Engagement, break and lift
CVN launch mins
200 - 1/2
Spot Restrictions
- No night launches
- Left seat slide in not recommended
- Starboard approaches and departures prohibited
- Concurrent ops authorized
- Left seat slide in prohibited
- Secondary dearm
- Primary De-arm
- Shall be clear of personnel and equipment
- AHO shall ensure elevator is secured and locked.
- Personnel shall not enter the rotor arc when fixed wind 3/4 under tension
- Concurrent ops authorized
- Shall be offset starboard with forward firing ordnance day (night should not) (CO approval)
- Shall not recover/launch with hung/misfired ordnance
- CSW emergency spot
- Right seat offset not recommended
- No hot fuel
- shall not be used when fixed wing recovering
- No forward firing ordnance
- Not in use when 3/4 under tension
- LSO platform shall be lowered
-Only spots with reference to the flight deck shall be used for night launch
-Cross cockpit recoveries forward of an occupied spot not recommended.
-Spots 4,5,6 should be avoided with aircraft turning in the 6 pack.
-spots 1-6 occupied by large rotors, spots immediate forward and aft remain vacant
-Area ahead of aircraft with forward firing ordnance shall be clear
-Never fly over another aircraft
Helicopter Restrictions during Fixed-Wing Launch/recovery
NO FLY w/o Air Officer Approval
-1NM circle
340-020 - 5NM
150-190 - 3NM
<5 - 300’
<10 - 400’
<5 020-150 - 400’
<10 - 400’
5-10NM - 200’
Case 1&2 Departures
Helicopters shall clear the control zone as directed by tower
Case 3 Departures
Helicopters shall be maintained beneath the clouds
After takeoff climb straight ahead to 200-300’ (unaided) 150-300 (aided)
ARC within 3 NM to intercept departure radial
Lost Comms Arrivals
Remain below 300’, arc to enter Starboard D, and execute lost comms
Emergency signals
I require immediate landing - Fly starboard quarter, clear of other traffic, flood/search/landing light on (red flare seaward)
I desire to land but can wait for the next cycle - Fly by or hover on starboard side, nav lights bright flashing, anticollision ON.
Plane Guard
Shall report to Air Officer for coordination
Not required to hold starboard D, (except carrier quals)
20 NM Day, 10NM night - Shall remain in UHF range and monitor freq at all times
During recovery of aircraft with forward firing ordnance, PG shall not be positioned starboard side from 360-090 within 5 NM.
Having forward firing weapons shall not prevent an otherwise SAR capable helicopter from being tasked with PG responsibilites
Radio check every 20 min during Case III.
Shall respond immediately to SAR unless directed otherwise
Fly 110 radial inbound to 3 DME
3 DME arc
145 radial decent below 900’
FAF- 3DME 500’
Condition 1
The aircraft shall be spotted for immediate launch, with rotor blades spread, starting equipment plugged in, and a LSE, starting crewman, and required plane handlers standing by. Unless otherwise directed by the AHO, at least 4 tie downs shall be attached to the aircraft. The flightcrew shall be ready for launch in all respects, with all personnel equipment attached and adjusted as in flight.
Condition 2
The same conditions apply as for Condition 1, except the crew shall stand by in the ready room.
An alert SAR in condition 2 may be folded provided primary sar is airborne.
Condition 3
Main rotor blades may be folded and the aircraft need not be in position for immediate launch, however it must be parked so as to allow direct access to a suitable launch spot. A towbar shall be attached to the aircraft and a specific LSE, tractor driver, handling crew, and starting crewman shall be designated and assigned to each helicopter. Flight crews should be briefed for launch and be standing by in a designated location.
Condition 4
Similar to Condition 3, except that minor maintenance may be performed on the aircraft if no delay in launch is involved.
Launch of Condition Helicopters
“Standby to launch” condition 1 - engines shall be started without further instructions, however, rotor engagement and launch shall be controlled by PRIFLY
Transient helicopters
Shall contact marshal control at least 25NM out.
Starboard Delta
045-135 radial 1-3NM
Recovery Procedures
1 should be assigned a landing spot farthest forward into the wind.
The helicopter furthest advanced on the inbound radial and has not turned to parallel ships course will be considered #1.
Final Approach Lighting
Anticollisions - Upper prior to crossing deck edge, pos steady/ bright -> steady/dim
On deck - anticollisions off, nav flashing dim
After shutdown - lights off
Calls to land
Snuggle Up- cleared within 1NM, expect to land within 5 min
Charlie - cleared to cross the stearn and commence an approach
Marshall Instrument recoveries
Primary TACAN 110 @5NM @ 1000’
Each successive marshall adds 1NM and 500’
Right hand racetrack with 2NM legs
Other safety precautions
Personnel shall not approach or depart helo while rotors are being engaged / disengaged
Except in emergency, pilots shall not stop engines or fold blades without proper clearance.
Should not be taxied
Shall not be towed with rotors engaged
Ships roll >4*, launch/recover whould be attempted onlt with Carrier CO approval
Ships roll >4*, rotors should not be engaged while ship in a turn, must be approved by Carrier CO
Never fly over another aircraft
Starboard Delta
1NM min
3-5NM max
300’, right hand