CVCS VCT Makeup Flashcards
What is the relationship between VCT level and gallons?
VCT level is 41 gal per %.
How do LD and Bleedoff enter the VCT?
LD enters thru a spray nozzle to promote H2 absorption.
BO enters thru a separate connection in the VCT.
What is the normal H2 concentration and overpressure in the VCT?
25-50 cc/kg with a 10-13 psig overpressure. If adjusted, this will affect CBO flowrate.
Describe the characteristics and control functions for LT-226 and LT 227.
- LT-226 is a dry reference leg(prevents emptying VCT on ref leg leak) and is used for VCT makeup control, HI/LO lvl alarms.
- Maintains 34-44%.
- LT-227 is a wet reference leg. \
- controls DIVERT Function @ 60% divert.
- controls CHP suction source
- @ 5% VCT lvl 501 closes, 514 opens BAMP starts, 510 closes.
- Resets at 15%
When does the VCT deviation alarm actuate?
6% dev. between 226 and 227.
How is the VCT vented when necessary?
Thru CH-513.
Powered from PK. Will fail closed.
What are the maximum and minimum VCT pressures?
Maximum-63psig avoids lifting relief.
minimum-3psig NPSH ch pumps.
Which tank in the CVCS system can be an alternate supply to AFA and AFB pumps?
What are the inputs to the RMWT?
DW, BAC distillate and RMT’s
What is the normal configuration, capacity and pwr supply to the RMWT pumps?
Normally one running when BAC dist. pumps are off(protects seals on BAC),
powered from NH.
What are the auto start and auto off of the RMWT pumps?
Starts: makeup controller and BAC in ops w/ no distll pumps.
Stops:makeup signal
loss of ctrl power
Low pump disch.(alarm after 10 sec, trip after 24 sec.)
How is minimum flow through the RMWT pumps controlled?
When in Auto, CH-511 will close at 20gpm thru 210X and reopen at 10gpm.
How does CHN-210X/Y operate?
What is its fail state?
When does the deviation alarm actuate?
Operates via controller, powered from NHN
left bar = setpoint,
middle = flow
right = output.
Fails closed but will reopen to previous demand.
Deviation alarm actuates at 5gpm, closes 512 at 10 gpm in AUTO.
What are the capacities of the RWT?
What are the inputs and outputs?
How is CHN-532 normally configured?
750k gallons @ 4000-4400 ppm
TS limits of 634,000gal at NOP/NOT and 611,000gal at 210F
Inputs: Batch tank, BAC bottoms
Outputs: BAMP’s, AFP, CHG pump alt suction, SI pumps.
CHN-532 is handjacked open with air removed to prevent boron flowpath isolation.
What are the operating characteristics of the BAMPs?
What auto start and stop features exist?
What recirc setpoints exist for the BAMPs?
What are the deviation alarm setpoints?
165gpm per pump. pwrd from NH. normally OFF.
RWT lo level of 73%, loss of CP, Low disch press trip.
Auto starts on makeup ctrlr signal, and low running pump disch press.
Auto stops on makeup signal, rwt lvl, flow dev. low disch press, loss of control press.
CHN-510 recirc closes at 20 gpm thr 210Y and opens at < 10gpm.
Dev alarms come in a > 40 gpm and +- 5 gpm alarm, closes CHN-512 at +- 10gpm.
What are the modes of the Makeup switch?
- 34% = RMWP and BAMP start, 512 opens 210x/y open to setpoint.
- @ 44% components reposition to normal.
- 527 opens, 210x/y open to setpoint, pumps must be manually started.
- sw from manual=components reposition.
- Must stop BAMP and RMWP.
- Must set batch amount on integrater
- BAMP starts, 527 opens, 210Y opens to setpoint.
- 210y auto closes at batch setpoint.
- sw from BORATE = valves reposition.
- RMWP starts, if not running, 527 opens, 210x opens to setpoint.
- 210x closes once setpoint reached.
- sw from DILUTE = valves repositon.
How are CHN-512 and CHN-527 interlocked?
What are their fail states?
512 is interlocked to stay closed when 527 is open. CHN-512 closes on RMW deviation of > 10gpm in AUTO.
527 interlocked to stay closed with 512 is open. Opens in Manual/Borate/Dilute IF 512 IS NOT ALREADY OPEN
Both valves fail closed.
what happens to CHN-514 on a VCT level of 5%?
When does it normalize?
What is its fail state?
At 5 % VCT level, 514 will open.
Closes at 15%
Fails as is.
What is CHE-536 and what happens at 5% VCT level?
What is its power supply?
What is its fail state?
Gravity feed boration flowpath valve. @ 5% VCT with 514 deenergized, it will open.
Powered from PHA-M35
has a hand switch on M72
When does the CVCS makeup flow alarm actuate?
RMW or BAMP flow to VCT > 3 gpm. indicates a reactivity addition alert.
How long until a reactivity addition is seen when it is added through 527(suction of CH pumps)?
through 512(VCT)?
5-8 minutes for CHP suctions
15 minutes for VCT.
What does the blue light on the RMWT pump switch mean?
RMWT level low, loss of cp, RMWP lo disch press.
What do the blue lights on the BAMP switches indicate?
RWT Level LO LO @ 73% after 1.5 sec.
Loss of cp
BAMP low disch press trip.
At what level does CHN-532 stop providing suction to the CHPs?
@ 73% level in the RWT
State the requirements of TRM T3.1.100 Flow paths Shutdown
One flowpath required.
From SFP via gravity feed thru running CHP to RCS.
From RWT via either a CHP, HPSI or LPSI pump to RCS.
If none, IMMEDIATELY suspend core alterations.
State the requirements of LCO 3.5.5 Refueling Water Tank (RWT) [Modes 1 – 4]
8 hr LCO for boron and temperature OOS, 1 hr LCO for any other reason
Level limits bases:
Volume transferred to CTMT prior to reaching a low level switchover. This ESF Reserve Volume ensures that the pump suction will not be aligned to the sump until the point at which 75% of the minimum design flow of one HPSI pump is capable of meeting or exceeding the decay heat boil-off rate.
Prevent vortexing and ensure adequate NPSH to support ESF pump operation on sump recirc.
Support Containment Spray as credited in the CTMT pressure and temperature analyses.
Ensure SDM is maintained during a LOCA.
Minimum boron (4000 ppm):
Ensure that, following a LOCA with a minimum level in the RWT, the reactor will remain subcritical in the cold condition following mixing of the RWT and RCS water volumes. SB LOCAs assumes all rods are inserted, except CEA of highest worth. LB LOCAs assume that all CEAs remain withdrawn. BOL is most limiting
Maximum boron (4400 ppm):
Based on boron precipitation in the core following a LOCA.
Temperature limits are assumed in the accident analysis.
TRM TLCO 3.1.104 Borated Sources - Shutdown
- SFP or RWT shall be functional (≥ 33,500 gallons, 4000 – 4400 ppm)
- RWT: 60 – 120°F
- SFP: 60 – 180°F
State the requirements of TRM TLCO 3.1.101 Flow Paths – Operating
- Two of the three flow paths required.
- Gravity feed flow path from either the RWT or the SFP through CH-536 (RWT Gravity Feed Isolation Valve) and a charging pump to the RCS
- Gravity feed flow path from the RWT through CH-327 (RWT Gravity Feed/SI System Isolation Valve) and a charging pump to the RCS
- Path from either the RWT or SFP through CH-164 (Boric Acid Filter Bypass Valve), utilizing gravity feed and a charging pump to the RCS.
- Flow rate: ≥ 26 gpm for one charging pump and ≥ 68 gpm for two charging pumps (RCS at NOP)