CV Anatomy Flashcards
Spinal level of sternal angle
True rib numbers:
False rib numbers:
Floating rib numbers:
Spinal level of superior thoracic aperature
Spinal level of inferior thoracic aperature
Where does the subclavian artery become the axillary artery?
Lateral edge of rib 1
Is the right or left pleural sac shorter?
Right is shorter due to liver pushing up
Pectoralis major innervation
Medial and lateral pectoral nerve
Pectoralis minor innervation
Medial pectoral nerve
Which thoracic muscles are angled superior to inferior from lateral to medial?
External intercostals
Which thoracic muscles are angled inferior to superior from medial to lateral?
Internal intercostals
Which thoracic muscles are responsible for vessel attachment
Transversus thoracis
Surface anatomy of suprasternal notch
Surface anatomy of xiphisternal joint
Surface anatomy of nipple
Males - 4th intercostal space
Females - variable
Surface anatomy of sternum
Anterior to heart
Surface anatomy of aortic valve
R 2nd intercostal space
Surface anatomy of pulmonic valve
L 2nd intercostal space
Surface anatomy of mitral valve
L 5th intercostal space
Surface anatomy of apex of heart
L 5th intercostal space
Surface anatomy of tricuspid valve
L sternal border
What nerves are responsible for sensory innervation of T3-5?
Thoracic intercostal
What nerves are responsible for sensory innervation of the upper, lateral breast?
Supraclavicular nerves
What nerves are responsible for sensory innervation of the nipple?
Lateral cutaneous branch of T4
Where is the horizontal fissure found?
R intercostal space 3
Where is the oblique fissure found?
L and R side at ribs 5/6
Where is the cupola of the lung found?
Where does a central line insert?
Subclavian vein
How many secondary bronchi are found on the right side?
How many secondary bronchi are found on the left side?
Is the right or left bronchus wider?
How does the orientation of the phrenic nerve differ on the right and left sides?
Right: follows venus flow
Left: follows arterial flow
Is the phrenic nerve anterior or posterior to the vagus nerve?
Does the vagus nerve pass anterior or posterior to the aortic arch?
From what spinal level do the thoracic splanchnics originate?
How is the pulmonary artery situated in relation to the bronchi on the right and left side?
RALS - right PA is anterior to bronchus, left PA is superior to bronchus
What organ receives the entire CO?
Name 9 landmarks found at the sternal angle
RAT PLANT T4/5 Rib 2 Aortic Arch Trachea Bifurcation Pulmonary trunk bifurcation Ligamentum arteriosum Azygous Vein Nerves (cardiac plexus, recurrent laryngeal nerve) Thoracic Duct
Where is the conus arteriosus?
Top of right ventricle
Which pulmonary artery is longer than the other?
What vein travels with the LAD?
Great cardiac vein
What is another name for the LAD?
Anterior interventricular artery
What coronary artery supplies the diaphragmatic surface of the heart? (2 names)
Right marginal
Acute marginal
What vessel comes off the left aortic sinus
L coronary artery (posterior left)
What vessel comes off the right aortic sinus
R coronary artery (anterior)
What vessel comes off the posterior aortic sinus
None - non-coronary sinus
Between what coronary vessels does the pulmonary trunk lie?
Between LAD and RCA
In what heart chamber is the moderator band found?
R ventricle
What nerves are found anterior and posterior to the root of the lung?
Phrenic - anterior
Vagus - posterior
How many lobes does the right lung have?
How many lobes does the left lung have?
Which lung and lobe is the lingula found on?
Left - superior lobe
What is a secondary bronchus also known as?
What is a tertiary bronchus also known as?
What is the smallest functional unit of the lung?
Broncho-pulmonary segment
What superior mediastinal structure involutes at puberty?
Is the right or left brachiocephalic vein longer?
Is the right or left pulmonary artery longer?
What nerve forms the posterior esophageal plexus?
Right vagus
What nerve forms the anterior esophageal plexus?
Left vagus
Does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve pass anterior or posterior to the ligamentum arteriosum?
Where is the left recurrent laryngeal nerve in comparison to the trachea?
Lateral and left of trachea
Where does the thoracic duct run inferior, at, and superior to the sternal angle and where does it drain?
Thoracic duct is on the right inferior, switches and sternal angle, and drains into left venous angle
What branches at the venous angle?
Internal jugular and subclavian vein
What drains lymph from the right superior part of the body?
R lymphatic duct
What carries pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers to the sympathetic chain?
White rami
What carries pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers?
Vagus nerve (CNX)
Greater thoracic splanchnic from what thoracic vertebrae?
Lesser thoracic splanchnic from what thoracic vertebrae?
Least thoracic splanchnic from what thoracic vertebrae?
Greater thoracic splanchnic supplies what plexus?
Lesser thoracic splanchnic supplies what plexus?
Least thoracic splanchnic supplies what plexus?
Post-ganglionic SNS fibers traveling to the skin leave via what structure?
Grey Rami
Ventral root carries what type of neurons?
Motor - efferent
Dorsal root carries what type of neurons?
Sensory - affarent
From what embryonic structure does the ductus arteriosus originate from?
L 6th aortic arch
From what embryonic structure do the pulmonary arteries originate from?
L 6th aortic arch
What parts of the body does the 3rd rib attach to?
Inferior costal facet of T2 (posterior)
Superior costal facet of T3 (posterior)
Transverse process of T3 (posterior)
Body of sternum (anterior)
What does the superior intercostal vein drain and where does it flow into?
Drains IC spaces 2, 3, 4 and drains into azygous on the right and left brachiocephalic –> then into SVC
Where does the first IC space drain?
Supreme intercostal vein
Where do IC spaces 2-4 drain?
Superior intercostal vein
Where do IC spaces 5-11 drain?
Where does IC space 12 drain?
Subcostal vein - drains into azygous - into SVC
From which structure do the bronchial arteries arise?
Thoracic aorta
Is the visceral pleura innervated?
Is the parietal pleura innervated?
What is inflammation of the parietal pleura called?
What innervates the cervical and costal pleura?
Intercostal nerves
What innervates the diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleura?
Phrenic nerves
Where do the internal thoracic arteries branch from?
Where do the internal thoracic veins drain?
At what level does the IVC pass through the diaphragm?
At what level does the esophagus pass through the diaphragm?
At what level does the thoracic aorta pass through the diaphragm?
Location of the cardiac notch
L superior lobe in 4th intercostal space