CV Flashcards
What does plasma contain?
Electrolytes, water, glucose, carbon dioxide, proteins, clothing factors
What’s the bloods hematocrit?
What percentage of the blood is cellular?
Two functions of heart muscle
Muscular contraction and electrical conduction
Why is the resting potential negative?
Controlled by Na/K pump. Sarcolemma only permeable to K+ cells that leave cell. Anions can follow so create a negative environment
What happens to the Na+ pump with increased positivity ?
It undergoes a conformational change
What part of the cardiac action potential signifies the efflux of Ca2+ ions ?
The plateau
What different about cardiac and skeletal muscle action potentials ?
In cardiac muscle cells , the action potential lasts longer and after the action potential the permeability of K+ is less and they only open once Ca2+ channels have closed
Where is the mediastinum?
Between the two pleural cavities (right and left lung)
Where does the superior mediastinum border?
Horizontal plane from the sternal angle to the lower point of the T4 vertebra
What is the brachiocephalic vein formed from?
Subclavian vein and internal jugular vein
What is the Azygos vein formed from?
Segmental veins from the thorax and posterior abdominal wall
What side of the body does the Azygos vein run ?
Where are the phrenic nerves formed from?
Cervical plexus at C 3/4/5
What does the phrenic nerve do?
Supplies the diaphragm and sensory innervation to the pleura, pericardium and peritoneum
What is the pathway of the right phrenic nerve?
Lies on the ‘big veins’ (SVC, IVC, brachiocephalic) and the right atrium.
What is the pathway of the left phrenic nerve?
Crosses the arch of the aorta, runs in front of the root of the lung, on the pericardium and descends to reach the diaphragm.
What is the pathway of the right vagus nerve?
Lies on the trachea, crosses behind the root of the lung (unlike the phrenic), branches to form the oesophageal plexus. Passes through the diaphragm via the oesophagus as the posterior gastric nerve.
What is the pathway of the left vagus?
Crosses the arch of the aorta and gives off the left laryngeal nerve. It passes BEHIND the root of the lung. Below the root of the lung, the vagus gives off branches forming the oesophageal plexus, passing through the diaphragm and forming the anterior gastric artery.
Where does the arch of the aorta commence?
At the level of the sternal angle and ends at the lower border of T4
What are the 3 branches of the aortic arch?
Right brachiocephalic trunk (gives off the subclavian artery and right common carotid), left common carotid and left subclavian artery.
What nerves cross the arch of the aorta?
Left vagus and Left phrenic
Where does the trachea start and finish?
Extends from the lower border of the cricoid cartilage and finishes at the tracheal bifurcation at the level of the T4 vertebra.
What muscles is found between the C-shaped cartilage in the trachea?
The trachealis muscle which allows contractions and dilations of the trachea (for sneezing and swallowing)