current electricity Flashcards
Electrical energy
Energy that comes from a charge
Current electricity
The flow of electrons through a circuit
Electric circuit
A loop that allows electrons to flow continuosly
An instrument used to measure current
Unit for current
Electrons flow from the ___________ pole of the battery to the __________ pole
negative pole of the battery to the positive pole
A material that doesn’t let current electricity flow
A material that lets current electricity flow
How difficult it iis for a current to flow through an electrical component
Measures resistance
Unit for resistance
Potential difference
(Voltage) The pushing force from an electrical power source that makes electrons move through a circuit
Instrument used to measure potential difference
Unit for potential differemce
Ohm’s law
/I R\
Electrical power formula
P = V(I)
Power = Voltage x Current
Series circuit
All components are connected in a single loop
Parallel circuit
The components are connected in more than 1 loop or branch
Series circuit:
Description, Current, voltage, if a bulb blows
Description; Single loop
Current; Current is the same for all components
voltage: Divided between components
if a bulb blows: All lights turn off
Parallel circuit:
Description, Current, voltage, if a bulb blows
Description: Branches
Current: Spit across different branches
voltage: The same as the source for each component
if a bulb blows: Only lights on the incomplete branch turn off
Direct current
Current flows in 1 direction
Alternating current
Current flows in both dirrections
Converts alternating current into direct current for appliances
Only allows the current to flow in 1 direction
Light Emitting Diode
Light Dependent Resistor
Circuit breakers
If the current is too strong, the circuit breaker will turn the circuit off to prevent an overload
If a fault occurs, the fuse melts, breaking the circuit