Current account pt 2 Flashcards
Exports to Economic growth chain of reasoning
High exports > High net exports > High aggregate demand > High Real national output > High GDP > High economic growth
Imports to inflation rate chain of reasoning
High imports > Low net exports > Low aggregate demand > Low price level > Low inflation rate
Link between Low aggregate demand and Low price level
Firms collectively decrease prices to entice customers to buy goods and services and maximise profits otherwise there’ll be an excess supply
Imports to unemployment chain of reasoning
High unemployment > Low net exports > Low aggregate demand > High cyclical unemployment
Current account deficit
When the money spent on imported goods, services and incomes is more than the money earned from exported goods, services and incomes
Current account surplus
When the money spent on imported goods, services and incomes is less than the money earned from exported goods, services and incomes
Possible causes of a worsened deficit (higher M or lower X)
High domestic levels of spending - Low savings rate, more chance of M
Appreciation of exchange rate - Lower X, higher M
Higher domestic commodity prices - higher M of commodities
Consequences of a worsened deficit
Higher M > Lower Nx > Lower AD > Lower RNO > Lower GDP > Lower EG
Lower X > Lower Nx > Lower AD > Higher cyclical employment
Higher domestic commodity prices > Lower SRAS > cost push inflation
Possible cause of an improved surplus (higher X or lower M)
Recession -Less chance of M as spending is lower
Depreciated currency -£ is weaker so M becomes more expensive and our X are cheaper for other countries
Higher domestic interest rates -lower spending on M, more saving