Cumulative Flashcards
Staying busy with physical, mental, and social
Adaptive Logic
Logic learned through experience; the interaction between abstract, objective forms of problem solving that are related to the context of the problem
The transitional stage between childhood and adulthood
An attitude towards old age characterized by fear and avoidance
Age of viability
The age at which the baby has a possibility of surviving outside the womb, usually around 6 or 7 months
Meaningful social interaction
Alzheimer’s Disease
A common form of dementia
Amniotic Sac
The sac of liquid within the uterus that protects the developing baby
Awareness of Self
As pertains to memory, the ability to be aware of one’s own memory abilities
Awareness of Strategies
As pertains to memory, developing strategies to help remember things
Biological Clock
The awareness that time is running out (physically) for some activities
The hollow sphere of cells that forms several days after conception
Being able to only focus on one aspect of a thing at a time
The path of physical development in infants with the quickest development being at the head and then more slowly at the feet
The human act of reproducing
The protective outer sac that develops from tissue surrounding the embryo
The ability to group things according to similarities
The division of the zygote into multiple cells
Critical period
In fetal development, the time when a certain limb or organ is in danger from a teratogen
A period of life in which a great change takes place
The combination of perceptual, intellectual, and language abilities
Cognitive Maturity
The maturity gained through life experience
The inability to think in abstractions
Conservation Experiments
Piaget’s experiments that observe the aspects of preoperational thought
Conservation of Liquids
The realization that the amount of liquid doesn’t change when it is poured into a container of a different shape
Conservation of Mass
The realization that the mass of an object doesn’t change when the shape changes
Conservation of Number
The realization that the number of objects doesn’t change, even when the objects are spread further apart
Crystallized Intelligence
The accumulation of facts, information, and learning strategies over time
The ability to think of things outside of just one perspective
Deferred Imitation
Imitating a behavior, but not right away
A condition characterized by forgetfulness, a limited ability to understand abstractions, repeating statements, thinking slowly, lacking ideas, and having difficulty paying attention
A hopeless feeling of not having time to rectify the things you should have done better in your life
Dialectical Thought
The thinking that integrates belief and experience, holds them up to faith or commitments, and deciding one can live with them all
A lack of decision or avoidance of decision-making
Dizygotic twins
Simultaneously born offspring who develop from two separate ova and sperm
Early maturing
An adolescent who reaches adult size and physical proportions earlier than most of his peers
The outer layer of the embryo’s cells which forms the skin and nervous system
A self-centered view of the world: viewing everything in relationship to oneself
The baby from about two to eight weeks after conception
Empty nest syndrome
A term for the feelings of loss that accompany a home from which all of the children have grown up and left
The inner layer of the embryo’s cells, which becomes the digestive system, lungs, and glands
The hormone, produced mostly by the ovaries, that is capable of developing and maintaining the female secondary sex characteristics
Fallopian tubes
Two passages that connect the ovaries to the uterus
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Abnormalities resulting from the mother’s consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. These include low birth weight, certain facial anomalies, and possible intellectual disability.
The unborn baby during the final stage of development, from the beginning of the third month until birth.
Five to seven shift
The time, usually between ages five and seven, when preoperational children shift into high gear cognitively
Fitting strategies to tasks
Choosing a strategy that will work best on various memory or learning tasks
A commitment made without going through a decision-making period
Formal operational thought
Piaget’s cognitive stage in which a person can speculate, hypothesize, and fantasize on a much larger and deeper scale than do children
Full object permanence
Knowing that objects still exist, even when they cannot be seen
The need to achieve and be productive
Generativity vs Stagnation
Erikson’s stage of middle adulthood in which the person needs to feel productive
Germinal period
The period immediately following conception and lasting through implantation
Investing in the next generation of one’s family
Group inclusion
The ability to group things into more than one category
Growth spurt
A period of rapid growth
The body’s ability to maintain balance or equilibrium