Culture & Religion Flashcards
Review cultural practices and high-risk populations.
It is shared values, beliefs and attitudes.
A process in which an individual adopts, acquires, and adjusts to a new cultural environment.
What is a basic way to assess for cultural or religious differences in a client?
Ask the client if there are any practices or food preferences to be aware of.
These preferences can alter a client’s health outcomes and should be incorporated whenever possible.
If a cultural practice seems strange, how should the nurse respond?
Allow the client to continue the practice as long as it doesn’t cause harm.
What is cupping therapy?
An ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on the skin for a few minutes to create suction.

Clients get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
When a client nods yes, does it always mean yes?
Nodding yes may NOT always mean yes.
What is typical appropriate eye contact and physical closeness when speaking with clients?
Most clients don’t like constant eye contact or getting too close to them during conversations.
Be sure to look away at times and stand at least a few feet away from client.
Regardless of ethnic background, what non-infectious diseases are clients most at risk for when living in North America?
- hypertension
- heart disease (myocardial infarction)
- CVA (cerebral vascular accident)
- cancer
- diabetes mellitus
- obesity
- Alzheimer’s
- kidney failure
The SAD (standard American diet) diet is high in saturated fat and a sedentary lifestyle is more common in North America that can contribute to some of these diseases.
Regardless of ethnic background, what infectious diseases are clients most at risk for when living in North America?
- STIs
- influenza
- herpes
- pneumonia
- hepatitis C
- COVID-19
What substances are frequently prohibited in many religions?
Alcohol and Smoking.
What should be done if a client does not speak the same language as the HCP or nurse?
With language barriers:
- get an interpreter
- provide written instructions in the client’s language
What is done if the client refuses to be cared for by someone of the opposite sex?
Try to accommodate the client and get a same sex caretaker.
Is it OK to use humor when communicating with clients, especially those of a different background?
Avoid using humor since it can be misunderstood as disrespectful.
What is the “evil eye”?
A cultural belief that staring at a client can cause a curse or sickness.
What are some religious considerations for Jehovah’s Witness?
- may refuse blood transfusions or blood products
- donated organs must be washed with a non-blood substance before being used
What are some religious considerations for Islam?
- many are Arab American
- Allah is the name of God
- may face Mecca to pray (west or southwest)
- fast during Ramadan (fast during the day, but will break fast with dates and eat after sundown)
- kids and menstruating or breastfeeding women don’t fast
What are the religious considerations for Jewish or Judaism?
- Rabbi is the religious leader for the Synagogue and may need approval before organ donation
- is a religion and ethnic group
- food is Kosher (fit to eat)
- can’t eat meat and milk together
- no pork or shellfish
- fish is OK to eat
- don’t touch their food, plate or utensils
- embalming and cremation is forbidden
What are some religious considerations for Hinduism?
- many people from India are Hindus
- many are vegetarians
- never eat beef
- use cremation
What are some religious considerations for Buddhism?
- many people from Asia are Buddhist
- Buddha is the spiritual leader
- may request a monk
What is a transgender person?
Someone whose gender identity is different from the gender they were thought to be at birth.
Use the pronoun that the transgender person identifies with: he, she or they.
Palliative care
Relief of symptoms throughout the entire course of an illness; and is appropriate for any age and any diagnosis.
What are some examples of conditions that would use palliative care?
- skin comfort for chronic eczema
- diet changes for cardiomyopathy
Hospice care
Managing a client’s pain and discomfort for those that have less than 6 months to live.
What are some examples of conditions that would use hospice care?
- stage IV colon cancer with metastatis
- end stage heart failure no longer able to be managed with meds
- end stage renal failure no longer on dialysis
What is a healthcare disparity?
When there is a difference in access to healthcare due to being associated with a certain group. This difference causes the client to receive inadequate services.
Which groups have higher levels of healthcare disparities?
- minorities
- uninsured
- living in poverty
- homeless
- disabilities
- immigrants
- refugees
- limited English
- incarcerated
- LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, asexual)
Provide a welcoming, nonjudgmental enviroment in order to provide adequate health care services.
Which socioeconomic group is more likely to engage in risky health behaviors?
Low socioeconimic status is more likely to engage in risky health behaviors such as unprotected sex and smoking.
When working in a low income area, assess for these types of behaviors in order to provide support and teaching.