Culture chapter 4 Flashcards
is a learned, patterned behavioral response acquired over time that includes implicit versus explicit beliefs, attitudes, values, customs, norms, taboos, arts and life ways accepted by a community of individuals. Culture is primarily learned and transmitted in the family and other social organizations, is shared by the majority of the group, includes an individualized worldview, guides decision making, and facilitates self-worth and self -esteem.
people who know certain aspects of their culture better than others
key informants
culture is dynamic it changes as people come into contact with new beliefs and ideas.
culture change
increases the plurality of ideas and options for behavior to which people are exposed, adding texture, and complexity of the society’s human resources and potential for well-beingand achievement as well for tension and conflict.
cultural diversity
viewing one’s own culture as the only correct standard by which to view people of other cultures
the understanding that cultures relate in different manners to the same given situations
cultural relativity
are common and observable expressions of culture in hospitals, clinics, homes, schools, and work settings.
refers to a self-conscious, past-oriented form of identity based on a notion of shared cultural and perhaps ancestral heritage and current position within society.
ethnicity or ethnic identity
refers to a group of people within a society whose members have different ethnic, racial, national, religious, sexual, political, linguistic, or other characteristics from most society
takes biologic characteristics as the markers of separate social status,and ethnic group takes social characteristics (language, religious tenets, shared beliefs or origin) as markers of cultural identity.
uses skin color as the primary indicator of social value
assigning people to specific categories because of their culture, race, or ethnic emblems. They are preconceived and untested beliefs about people.
described as a synthesis of anthropology and nursing, launched nursing’s conceptual attention to the importance of culture in healthcare more than 30 years of age.
transcultural nursing
requires all hospitals have available translators to treat patient needs, 24 hour phone service can be used to help with translation if no translator is available in house.
“… those assistive, accommodating, facilitative, or enabling creative provider care actions or decisions that help cultures adapt to or negotiate with others for culturally congruent, safe, and effective care for their health, wellbeing, or to deal with illness or dying”
-must be reciprocal, for both the nurse and the patient must participate in this process
cultural care negotiation
way of life or ideas of a particular group within a society; beliefs can make the group a support system for each other or can make the group more of a target to others
acute experience of not comprehending the culture you are being exposed to.
culture shock
The inability of a person to recognize his or her own values, beliefs, and practices and those of others because of strong ethnocentric tendencies
cultural blindness
the belief that everyone should conform to the majority belief system.
cultural imposition