Culture and Mental Health Flashcards
Psychological disorders that encompass behavioral,cognitive, and emotional aspects of functioning.
A perspective of psychopathology based on biologicalmodels that purports invariant symptoms acrosscultures
Absolutist Relativism
A viewpoint that suggests that psychological disorderscan only be understood in the cultural framework withinwhich they occur
Cultural Relativism
a handbook used by mental health
professionals to diagnose mental disorders
(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
a handbook used by mental health
professionals to diagnose mental disorders
(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
The shared ways in which cultural groups or communities experience, express, and interpret distress.
Cultural Concepts of Distress (CCD)
Many of the issues that concern valid and reliablemeasurement of any psychological variablecrossculturally for research purposes are also relevant todiscussions of measurement tools for psychopathologies.
to diagnoseschizophrenia in many countries during the 1970s.However, this test was made based on Western ideas ofmental illness, so it didn’t fit well in other cultures.
Present State Examination (PSE)
(Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001) is a widely used
measure to assess behavioral, emotional, and socialproblems of children around the world.
Concerning children, the Child Behavior Checklist
The cultural backgrounds of both therapist and client may contribute to the perception and assessment ofpsychological disorders
is characterized by delusions and hallucinations, lack of motivation, social withdrawal,impaired memory, and dysregulated emotions
is one of the most widely studied disorders
as it is one of the most prevalent worldwide. The Global Burden of Disease study (WHO, 2015) predicted that ______ was projected to be the secondleading cause of illness-related disability affecting theworld’s population by 2020 and the leading cause by 2030
Fear’s cousin, is also a human universal that
occurs in all cultures. Thus, disorders are
universally present in human cultures but there arecultural differences in prevalence rates and expression(Good & Kleinman, 1985; Guarnaccia, 1997; Tanaka Matsumi, 2019
● A disorder commonly diagnosed in childhood
● Despite recognition of this disorder over a
century ago, ADHD became more widely studiedonly within the past three decades (Lange et al.,2010).