Culture and Media Influence Flashcards
Culture infleunce
If gender behaviour is universal if must be biological, if culturally specific thei is it culturally controlled
Culture Differences Studies
Mead and Malinowski
Conducted ethnographic research in New Guinea tribes
- Mundugamore = masculine
- Arapesh = feminine
- Tchambuli = reverse
Trobriand females were highly sexually aggressive
Cultural similarities studies
Buss and Munroe + Munroe
37 cultures = universal aspects of attraction
- males = fertile
- women = resources
Munroe + Munroe
Most societies divide
- men as breadwinners
- women as nurturers
Culture conclusion
Some elements of gender are biological
Culture AO3 - ppt reactivity
Demand characteristics + investigator effects
Culture AO3 - communication
Difficult so could missinterpret subtle concepts
Culture AO3 - imposed etic
we bring bias with is e.g. aggression is based on western ideas
We see role models who we identify with, and want to imitate, perform gender appropriate behaviours so we have high belief we are capable of carrying out behaviour in the future
Media Bussey + Bandura
Media provides clear and rigid stereotypes
- male as advice givers
- women and advice seekers
Media Furnham + Farragher
Media shows men in profession contexts and women in dometics settings
Media AO3 - cause and effect
Children already with beliefs may seek media to reinforce them
Media AO3 - control group
Lack of a control group as vast majority of children are exposed to media
Media AO3 + Williams et al
Town in Columbia about to receive TV signals for the first time (Notel)
- survey on behaviour and attitudes prior and two years after
- also on unitel (one channel) and multitel (multiple channel) towns
- -> unitel and notel had less sex role stereotypical views and behaviours than multitel
- -> notel with TV had more gender stereotype attitudes and behaviours