Culture and Change Leadership Flashcards
What are the 4 phases of Strategic Drift?
P1 - Incremental Change
P2 - Strategic Drift
P3 - Flux
P4 - Transformational change or death
What is Path Dependency?
give an example
Where early events and decisions establish ‘policy paths’ that have lasting effects on subsequent events and decisions.
(qwerty keyboard)
What is Organisational Culture?
the taken-for-granted assumptions and behaviours that are shared within a particular group and help to make sense of the organisational context
What are the 3 areas of Organisation Culture?
- Geography
- Field
- Organisation
What is Forcefield Analysis?
Forcefield Analysis provides a view of forces that act to prevent or facilitate change
A Forcefield Analysis can be informed by 3 concepts, what are they?
- The Change Kaleidoscope
- Stakeholder Mapping
- The culture web
Name the 8 branches of the Change Kaleidoscope, which are the strategic change programmes
- Time
- Scope
- Preservation
- Diversity
- Capability
- Capacity
- Readiness
- Power
Nature of Change
What is Transformation?
redefinition of mission and purpose, and a substantial shift in goals, to reflect a new direction and therefore encompass a fundamental shift in the business model and culture of the organisation, touching all cultural, structural and processual aspects
Nature of Change
What is Realignment?
a change to the way of doing things that does not involve a fundamental re-appraisal of the central assumptions and beliefs within the organisation
Types of Change Matrix
What are the axes of the matrix?
Left: Speed of Change (Incremental and Big Bang)
Top: Extent of Change (Transformational and Realignment)
What happens when the Speed of Change is Incremental, and the Extent of Change is Transformation?
Transformational change implemented gradually through the interrelated initiative; likely to be proactive change undertaken in anticipation of the need for future change
What happens when the Speed of Change is Big Bang, and the Extent of Change is Transformation?
Transformational change that occurs via simultaneous initiatives on many fronts; more likely to be forced and reactive because of the changing competitive conditions that the organisation is changing
What happens when the Speed of Change is Incremental, and the Extent of Change is Realignment?
Change undertaken to realign the way in which the organisation operates, implemented in a series of steps
What happens when the Speed of Change is Big Bang, and the Extent of Change is Realignment?
Change undertaken to realign the way in which the organisation operates, with many initiatives implemented simultaneously; often forced and reactive because of a changing competitive context
What are the 2 types of leaders?
Transformational (charismatic) - emphasise building a vision for their organisations; and organisational identity built on collective values and beliefs and energising people to achieve the vision
Transactional - emphasise ‘hard’ levers of change
(e.g. designing systems, targets, financial incentives, project management and careful monitoring)
What are the 8 steps to successful change?
who suggested them and when?
- Increase urgency
- Build the guiding team
- Get the vision right
- Communicate for buy-in
- Empower Action
- Create short term wins
- Don’t let up
- Make the change stick
(Kotter, 2007)