Culture Flashcards
What is it called when people share beliefs, dominant patterns of behavior, values, & attitudes learned though socialization?
What culture illness beliefs include: natural causes, exposure to cold air & use “folk medicine”, God’s punishment or work of devil or spell
African Americans
What culture illness beliefs include: harmony of the body, mind, & spirit are important & where the pt. takes a passive role & fam is expected to care for the pt, but touch is unacceptable?
What is a mark of disgrace or defect where a person w/ a no-fault brain disorder may be punished, labeled, shamed, discriminated against, or disrespected?
What culture illness beliefs include: health defined as a gift from God, illness may be caused by evil eye, bad luck, stress in fam, germs, wind, drafts, imbalance, in hot/dry & cold/moist & sudden fears?
Arab American
What refers to people from common geographical origins who share the same language & religion?
What culture illness beliefs include: Maintaining independence but expect attendance from fam & relatives
African American
What culture illness beliefs include: most physical illnesses thought to be caused by imbalance of yin & yang (hot & cold) in the body & environment & that a psychiatric behavior means their out of control & bring great shame to fam?
What exists in each major culture where members develop new values that they honor more than the values of their dominant culture & poverty is often a characteristic?
What culture illness beliefs include: Being overweight is associated w/ health & strength & pt’s are encouraged to be passive, pampered, and not to make decisions, but that MI is a major social stigma & psychiatric symptoms means “bad nerves” or evil spirits?
Arab American
What culture illness beliefs include: illness is due to actions (karma) in past lives or a result of past actions not necessarily in a past life?
East Indian
What does LEARN stand for?
Listen w/ empathy & understanding Explain your perceptions of the prob. Acknowledge diffs/similarities Recommend treatment Negotiate an agreement
What culture illness beliefs include: holistic understanding of emotional, spiritual, social, & physical factors, & that illness is seen as a crisis for the entire fam, rely on priests/religious rituals w/ candles & prayers & more likely to take advice?
What is the ability to respond to the unique needs of populations whose cultures are diff from that of the dominant culture?
Cultural sensitivity
What culture illness beliefs include: illness washes away persons sins or that it results from body imbalance
East Indian
What is Kleinman’s Tool to Elicit Health Beliefs in Clinical Encounters?
“What” questions about the pt’s problem treatment & results
What is the term used to describe innate tendency to own space?
What is the term used to describe number of people w/in a given environmental space?
What is the term used to describe how various cultures use space to communicate?
What culture illness beliefs include: the medicine man is a “Shaman”, crystals diagnose illness, sing & perform healing ceremonies & use herbs, plants or roots for healing remedies & touch is unacceptable?
Native Americans
What is the term used to describe unique patterns of aberrant behavior & troubling experiences that occur in various parts of the world who’s clinical descriptions do not readily fit into Western conventional diagnostic categories?
Cultural-bound syndrome
What culture illness beliefs include: preventative healthcare, oppose discrimination against people w/ physical, mental, developmental conditions?
Jewish Americans
What is the term used to describe socially acquiring knowledge & internalizing values