Cultural Issues Flashcards
WHAT- The process by which an individual or group from a minority culture retains elements from their original culture while incorporating and adapting social or cultural values to align with a different culture (usually a mainstream/dominant one). In cultural psychology and therapy, acculturation is studied to understand how cultural transitions impact mental health, identity, and social functioning. This can cause conflicts for individuals within their own culture or family if having different levels of acculturalization.
WHY- It is important for clinicians to keep in mind that different levels of acculturation affect how clients perceive and respond to the therapist and therapy. Understanding acculturation helps therapists support clients in balancing their heritage culture and the dominant culture. This needs to be considered when creating a treatment plan to adjust for cultural beliefs and differences
EX- A person from another country learning the dominant language of their new home while still using their native language in certain situations. Maria, a 19-year-old college student, moved from Mexico to the U.S. at age 12. She struggles with feeling “too American” for her family and “too Mexican” for her peers. She experiences guilt, anxiety, and identity confusion
Addressing Model
WHAT- Model used to fully understand a client and see if they are a part of a marginalized group
A - age
D - disability at birth
D - disability acquired
R - religion
E - ethnicity
S - Sexual identity
I - indigenous heritage
N - nation of origin
G - gender
WHY- This model is important as it allows for the therapist to consider a range of culture factors that influence a client’s identity and their experiences to aid in creating relevant and effective treatment goals.
EX- Dahlia is an 18 year old with no disabilities, she is Buddhist, Indian, a lesbian, upper class, no indigenous heritage, was born in the USA, and is a CIS gendered girl. The therapist will gather information about how aspects of her identity may be influencing her presenting problems
WHAT- Antiracism in psychology and therapy refers to the active process of identifying, challenging, and eliminating racism at individual, institutional, and societal levels. It involves recognizing how racism impacts mental health, identity, and access to resources, and taking proactive steps to address these issues
WHY- Important for clinicians to be actively antiracism to ensure they are providing the best care to a diverse set of clients and making them feel safe, heard, and validated
EX- A client comes into therapy feeling defeated that they keep getting passed up for promotions by white collegues. The therapist displays antiracism by responding with empathy and validation and works toward talking through their experience and adressing its impacts
WHAT- The process by which an individual or group from a minority culture adopts a new cultural and abandons their original culture. They are absorbed into the dominant culture which is common among foreign populations that seek to blend in to society. Some individuals voluntarily assimilate, while others feel pressured to conform due to discrimination, social norms, or systemic barriers. This can involve changes in language, values, behaviors, traditions, and social connections.
WHY- Important for clinicans to be aware if a client has or is in the process of assimilating to guide them through the process and ensure they understand the aspects of the clients identify and beleifs that they resonate with. This allows clincians to proceed with treatment keeping in mind cultural differences and aspects
EX- A client comes into therapy that is from an immigrant family. She describes that when they moved to the US they adopted the language, traditions, and customs abandoning their culture to fit in
WHAT- An individual who identifies with two different cultural identities. Individuals with bicultural identities often find themselves navigating and integrating the values, customs, languages, and social norms of both cultures into their sense of self. Biculturalism is an important concept because it impacts identity formation, mental health, social belonging, and overall well-being
WHY- It is important for therapist to approach bicultural clients holistically, taking into account all aspects of their identify and incorporting both aspects of their culture when tailoring interventions and treatment
EX- Alex, a 20-year-old Mexican-American college student, struggles with feeling “not Mexican enough” at home but “too Mexican” at school. He speaks both Spanish and English but feels judged by peers in both communities.
WHAT - Collectivism refers to a worldview that prioritizes group harmony, interdependence, and social responsibilities over individual achievement. Collectivist cultures emphasize family, community, and social roles as key to personal identity and well-being. Many non-Western cultures, such as those in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Indigenous communities, operate with collectivist value
WHY – It is important for therapists to understand how clients from collectivist background prioritize to ensure they are tailoring interventions with a culturally sensitive approach to align with their values
EX - A client from a collectivist culture is experiencing anxiety about setting personal boundaries with their extended family, fearing it may be seen as disrespectful. The therapist acknowledges the client’s cultural values and frames boundary-setting to maintain long-term support
Coming out process
WHAT- The process of self-identification and self-acceptance for LGBTQ+ individuals. Is a 6 stage process that includes: confusion, comparison, tolerance, acceptance, pride, synthesis. Can include disclosures for one’s sexual orientation with people in their lives. May lead to rejection and anger or acceptance and relief
WHY- Coming out is a significant event, and therapists working with the LGBT+ community need to understand the significance and the intricacies of the process in order to adequately support clients
EX- John is an 18 year old boy. He recently came out to his close friends and told them he was gay. He is unsure of whether or not/how to tell his very conservative parents. He came to therapy due to ambivalence, stress, and fear of rejection
Culture competence
WHAT- A lifelong process where an individual aspires to understand, appreciate, advocate, and interact effectively with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Involves being aware of one’s own cultural worldview and bias
WHY- Important that therapists continue to work on their cultural competence to build trust, and allows the therapist to deliver the most effective treatment. Having good cultural competence can reduce offending the client (via microaggressions or misunderstandings) and knowing how to better respond to the needs of diverse populations. Understanding cultural differences helps prevent misinterpreting behaviors or emotions through a Western or dominant cultural lens
EX- A therapist is seeing a client that comes from a collectivistic, non-Western culture. The therapist knows to accommodate their treatment to the client, and consider the client’s strong importance on community to increase the chances of a better outcome
Cultural universality (CB)
WHAT- Traits or patterns that are shared by everyone and are found in every culture. Includes family structures, language, music, etc. In the context of psychology can refer to emotions, behaviors, experiences etc.
WHY- Recognizing cultural universals helps us understand the commonalities and shared experiences of humanity, while also acknowledging the diversity of cultures. Important for therapists to balance cultural universality with cultural specificity in order to provide the most effective and culturally sensitive care.
EX- A therapist is seeing a client who just lost thier mother. While the client is from a different cultural background and might express grief differently, the therapist recognizes that the emotion of grief is cultural universal and validates their experience.
WHAT- Shared set of values, beliefs, ideals, practices, traditions, and languages of a particular group that is passed down generations. Has significant impact on ones sense of identity and how they interact and perceive the world
WHY- One’s cultural values may affect how they respond to certain therapy techniques and treatments so it is important that therapists be mindful to stay respectful and aware of cultural barriers and biases and cater treatment accordingly to ensure positive outcomes and the well-being of the client
EX- A male therapist is seeing a new client who is a Muslim woman that wears a hijab. The therapist does not outstretch his hand to the client, as he aware that in Islamic culture unmarried or unrelated men and women are not to touch
Culture bound
WHAT- Behaviors, practices, beliefs that are specific to a particular culture. These may not be understood, may not exist, or may not be diagnosed in the same way in other cultures or outside of that cultural context. In therapy and counseing could Include emotional expressions, openness, patterns of communication. Some mental health symptoms may be misunderstood if therapists are unaware of culture-bound expressions of distress.
WHY- Important to know how certain symptoms and disorders occur/present in the context of a culture to properly conceptualize, diagnosis, and plan treatment
EX- In Jewish culture, the experience and prolonged-ness of grief is culture-bound. This contrasts the Western, DSM-5 guidelines for typical grieving periods. A culturally competent therapist should be aware of this culture bound feature, and not misdiagnose or mistreat this client
WHAT- Refers to a perspective that focuses on cultural-specific norms and views the client in the context of their culture. Understanding a culture from the perspective of its insiders, analyzing behaviors and meanings as they are perceived within that culture. Helps therapists understand and respect cultural differences rather than imposing external viewpoints and avoids misinterpreting culturally specific behaviors as mental illness
WHY- Important, when using an emic approach, to remember that treatment will need to be tailored based upon cultural differences
EX- A therapist has a client that has experienced a traumatic event, they might look into how people from different cultures experience trauma to understand the unique symptoms of trauma from the culture of the particular client
WHAT- A group of people that share an identity including culture, ancestry, nationality, or religion. Racial and ethnic identities often overlap. In cultural psychology and therapy, ethnicity is an essential factor in understanding a person’s values, worldview, and mental health experiences.
WHY- Recognizing and incorporating ethnicity into therapy is important as it helps to tailor tx, build trust, and provide culturally competent care
EX- A therapist is seeing an Asian client that is saying they are feeling burnt out from the pressure to achieve academically. The therapist may take into account the influence of cultural and ethnic values. Rather than labeling the client’s symptoms as abnormal, the therapist may explain how these aspects may impact the client’s stress and help them cope.
WHAT- Refers to a perspective that emphasizes similarities between people and takes the outsiders perspectives and assumes universality ignoring cultural differences. This perspective helps identify universal psychological processes which helps researchers and therapists recognize mental health patterns that exist across cultures. Established consistent diagnostic criteria like the DSM.
WHY- Important to balance etic perspectives with emic ones to avoid cultural insensitivity. Etic perspectives view Western concepts of normality as universal and applicable across cultures
EX- A therapist might use Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and not spend time exploring a client’s cultural, as they do not believe cultural differences are relevant to symptom/disorder presentation and response to treatment
Ethnocentric monoculturalism
WHAT- The belief that one’s culture/ethnicity is superior to all others. Becomes problematic when a dominant culture tries to assimilate all other cultures into it. It often leads to biases, discrimination, and marginalization in psychological research and therapy. In therapy, ethnocentric monoculturalism can lead to cultural insensitivity, misdiagnosis, and ineffective treatment, particularly for clients from marginalized groups.
WHY- Important for therapists to recognize and challenge their own bias to prevent cultural bias, promote inclusivity, and improve treatment outcomes.
EX- Client: “Whenever I try to make my own decisions, I feel like I am letting my parents down. They have sacrificed so much for me, and I feel guilty if I go against their wishes.”
Therapist (ethnocentric response): “You need to set boundaries and start thinking for yourself. You can’t let them control your life.”
WHAT- A social and cultural approach to life that emphasizes autonomy, self-resilience, and personal goals. People are encouraged to prioritize their own need and wants over those of the group. In cultural psychology and therapy, individualism influences how people view mental health, relationships, personal responsibility, and decision-making
WHY- Important to know that the Western world is individualistic, and that not all groups favor individualism. Is is important for the therapist to be aware of a clients individualism vs collectivism perspectives, as to plan the most effective treatment and not damage the alliance
EX- While seeing a client from an individualistic background, the therapist should allow the client to independently create their own goals. A treatment like CBT may be beneficial, as CBT values autonomy and self-help/reliance
Institutional racism
WHAT- The policies, practices, and procedures within an institution that systematically result in unequal resources and opportunities based on race. It creates inequality and disadvantages for people of color. Embedded in systems of society such as legal system, education system, healthcare system, and employment practices
WHY- Important to address the impacts of institutional racism with a client as color as it validates their experience and empowers them
EX- An African American client is telling her therapist how she was passed over for a job promotion. The client had the same qualifications and had been employed at the company longer than the white coworker that got the job. The therapist and client discuss how this could likely be an instance of institutional racism and the therapist supports and validates the client’s feelings
WHAT- A microaggression is a subtle, often unintentional, comment or behavior that expresses bias, stereotypes, or discrimination toward a marginalized group. These can be verbal, nonverbal, or environmental and often reflect underlying cultural biases. Microaggressions can be directed at race, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, or other identities and can negatively impact mental health
WHY- Important to be aware of what can be a microaggression so as to not commit one yourself.
EX- A therapist is seeing a new client that is Middle Eastern. The therapist tries to compliment the client by saying they speak English so well and there is no accent. The client is offended and hurt, and informs the therapist she was born in the US and only speaks English. The client does not return to the therapist due to this microinsult
WHAT- A minority refers to a group of individuals who are socially, politically, or economically marginalized or underrepresented within a larger society. Minorities may be distinguished by factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or socioeconomic status. Minorities are often subject to discrimination, prejudice, and unequal access to resources, which can affect their mental health and well-being.
WHY - Important to understand the implications of being a minority while treating minority clients. In therapy, understanding minority status helps therapists provide culturally sensitive care that takes into account the unique experiences and challenges faced by individuals from marginalized groups
EX- A therapist is working with a Black client who feels alienated at work due to racial discrimination. The client expresses feelings of isolation and frustration. he therapist acknowledges the client’s minority status and the social factors affecting their emotional and mental health
Multicultural competence
WHAT- Refers to the awareness of one’s own culture, views, and biases, knowledge of diverse groups and disadvantages placed upon them, and skills to tailor interventions with clients from multicultural backgrounds. Clients are more likely to feel understood, valued, and respected when their therapist demonstrates an understanding of their cultural context.
WHY- Important as they ensure that a therapist is inclusive, respectable and capable of being able to effectively treat the needs of each individual client
EX- A multiculturally competent therapist working with a diverse population will be aware of the limits of her knowledge regarding experiences of minorities. She will seek out education and information to further build her skills and awareness
WHAT- Mistreatment and discrimination of a minority group by a majority group. Involves unequal treatment, disadvantages to the minority group, abuse of power, limits of opportunities and resources. This mistreatment can occur at the individual, societal, and institutional levels, and it often targets groups based on characteristics like race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, or ethnicity
WHY- Important to remember the role oppression may play in clients’ well-being. Chronic oppression can lead to low self esteem, anxiety, depression, and the client could internalize the oppressive beliefs
EX- A therapist is seeing a 17 year old gay male. The client describes that he is bullied at school and ostracized by other students. He is now presenting with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and low self esteem as a result
WHAT- A social construct that categorizes people based on their physical characteristics and ethnicity, has no biological basis. Based on perceived physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, and hair texture. Is often used to maintain power dynamics and social hierarchies. In therapy, race is important to understand because it shapes a person’s worldview, self-perception, and experiences with society.
WHY- Race is a key aspect of the ADDRESSING model and can play a crucial role in influencing a clients presenting concerns and response to treatment
EX- A therapist has just begun seeing a 15 year old African-American girl. She attends a primarily white school and describes being bullied and ostracized by her white peers. She is now presenting with symptoms of depression and low self esteem as a result
Racial Identity development
WHAT- 5 stage theory that outlines the process of development of a person of color’s identity. It highlights one’s attitudes toward themselves, others of their same racial group, other marginalized groups, and the dominant group. Stage 1 is conformity, stage 2 dissonance, stage 3 resistance and immersion, stage 4 introspection, stage 5 integrative awareness
WHY- The model is a tool to help understand, explain, and support a client. It can be important to indicate to therapists potential challenges a client may be facing depending on which stage they seem to be in
EX- A 17 year old Arab-American girl has just begun therapy due to depressive symptoms. She tells the therapist she wishes she could look like her white peers and wishes her family was ‘normal’. This client is in the first stage, conformity
WHAT- A system of prejudicial beliefs, practices, and structures that perpetuate discrimination and inequality on the basis of race. Occurs on a personal, institutional, and systemic level. Includes negative stereotypes, negative reactions towards members of the minority group, belief that other racial groups are inferior, microaggressions. Racism can influence how individuals see themselves and their sense of belonging in society. Can lead to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, and low self-esteem.
WHY- Important for therapists to be aware of how racism on each level may affect a client and their presenting issue(s)
EX- A therapist has just begun seeing a 15 year old African-American girl. She attends a primarily white school and describes being bullied and ostracized by her white peers. She is now presenting with symptoms of depression and low self esteem as a result of her classmates’ racism
White Privilege
WHAT- The advantages white people have over other races. The 4 characteristics are 1. Having the power to define their reality, 2. Having (un)conscious biases that POC are inferior, 3. Believing they are not prejudiced, 4. Being blind to their white privilege
WHY- Important to know white privilege affects the experience of all people. Acknowledging white privilege helps to understand clients, and better support them to cope with and overcome the barriers set in place. Creates a culturally aware and more effective treatment
EX- An African-American client is telling his white therapist his experience of racial discrimination at work. The therapist says he “doesn’t see color”, which is a demonstration of his white privilege. The therapist has grown up with the privilege of not seeing race, because his race has not affected him in the same way the client’s race has affected her
WHAT- The perspective through which an individual interprets and responds to the world around them. Involves beliefs, values, knowledge, assumptions, and biases. It is shaped by culture, upbringing, religion, life experiences, and societal influences.
WHY- Different cultures will often have different worldviews so it is important for a therapist to understand a client’s worldview, and to not impose their own worldview upon a client
EX- A therapist is working with an Asian-American client that holds collectivistic world views. The therapist holds individualistic world views, and must be careful as to not impose their own attitudes and ideals upon the client, or passing judgements about the client being ‘too dependent’ or dependence being a negative thing
Counseling relevant issues for
WHAT- African American clients
Hispanic/latino clients
Native American clients
LGBT clients
Asian clients
Arab clients
Jewish clients
Disabled clients
Female clients
Male clients
Clients in poverty