Cultural evolution Flashcards
Ardipithecus ramidus
- 4.5-4 mya
- Earliest known bipedal - Lucy
Australopithecus afarensis
- 4-3 mya
- Sexually dimorphic
- Face and cranium ape like
- Post cranial skeleton humanlike
Homo habilis
- 2.4-1.4 mya
- Habitat = climate change when forests and waterways began to become replaced by savannahs
- Use of Oldowan tool
Homo erectus
- 1.8-0.3 mya
- Habitat = the first hominin to migrate out of Africa
- First use of fire
- Acheulian tool culture
- Big game hunter gatherers
- Shelter and clothing
Homo floresiensis
- 0.1-0.013 mya
- Habitat = Island of flores, thought to have evolved from early Erectus and adjusted to forested climate
- Fire
- Acheulian tools
Homo heidelbergensis
- 0.6-0.2 mya
- Europe, Asia and Africa
- Acheulian Tools
- Fire
Homo neanderthals
- 0.4-0.04mya
- Europe and Asia
- Cold-adjusted climate meant for bodies that were robust and heavy
- Mousterian Tools
- Robust
Homo sapiens
- Evolved in Africa now worldwide
- Upper palaeolithic tool culture
- 10,000 years ago agriculture
Acheulian tool culture
approx 50 blows to make
Bi-face teardrop shape
Used for heavy-duty, butchering large mammals, processing bones for marrow
Oldowan tool culture
6 blows on a river pebble from another stone to make a single pointy face
Used for scavenging and accessing more nutrients
Mousterian tool culture
Based on modified stone flakes, flint is commonly used to make the tools more refined
approx 150 blows to make
Could punch holes in animal skins for clothes and rope
Use of fire helped shape these tools
Upper Paleolithic tool culture
Precise and composite tools
Require approx 250 blows to make
Increased range of uses and require good techniques to make
Neolithic period
Associated with the beginnings of agriculture
- this required specialist tools and the development of plant and animal breeding techniques
Hunter gathering -> domestication = surplus of food/settlement + more time for sharing and learning ideas
An increased pace of cultural evolution!
Advantages of agriculture
- Growing food close to home
- Select crops and animals that provide the best food for energy and storage
- Use selective breeding to increase quality
- Domesticated animals = food all year round
- Development of economic activities
- Division of labour
- Pop increase
Disadvantages of agriculture
- Poor health than hunter-gatherers as reliance on high carbs
- Labour intensive for crops grown
- Crop fails due to weather/disease = starvation
- Mono culture needing to trade food to get balanced diet
Cultural evolution definition
The changes in thoughts and ideas by the transmission of knowledge over time, not passed on my genetics but learned.
Domestication of animals and the planting of plants as crops for food and increased productivity