Cultural Analysis Flashcards
Seek to understand how media texts shape the way we think about the world as cultural
political and social beings.
Cultural Analysis
is simply what human beings produce and the means by which we preserve
what we have produced.
Forms of culture
1) physical – objects, artifacts(shared meaning and identification)
2) social – social codes and rules that governed the creation of those artifacts.
3) Attitudinal- our customs laws and traditions
Culture is collective- many part of and rhetorical- result of shared symbol system. And
system of ideas that unconsciously shapes and constrains both our beliefs and
behaviours. Through limitation- limits the range of acceptable ideas that a person may
consider within a particular cultural context. Normailization- sets of normalcy higher
hierarchies more power. Privileges- some interests over others
It’s basically how we as individuals, are really just a collection of a bunch
of different ideologies. “We’re always ready to be interpellated” basically means that
we’re always ready to choose (or have forced upon us) another ideology to represent us
Hailing- individuals recognize and respond to an encountered ideology and allow it to
represent them.
is a sacred story or type of speech that reaffirms and reproduces ideology in
relation to an object.
represents knowledge which is beyond question and which each agent tacitly
accords by the mere fact of acting in accord with social convention. In other words refers
to the constructed aspects of a culture that its members do not really challenge or
critically reflect upon. “Common sense
process by which one ideology subverts other competing ideologies and
gains cultural dominance. Prevailing culture
sum of subtle and nuanced aspects of a historical culture
A structure of feeling
textual critism, pragmatic, political self-reflective, culturally and
historically contingent
a persons level of success is directly related to the amount of effort or
drive they put forth in attaining that goal
American Dream
an exception to a social rule that affirms the correctness of an ideology sudden change into higher class media from middle ex. Bill gates
belief that one can attain the kind of happiness or completeness often conceived of as upper class through purchase of materials goods.
Conspicuous consumption
process by which various cultural groups are symbolically annihilated
through under-representation in the media.
constructing misleading and reductionist representation of minority racial
process by which media texts represent minority groups in positive light
while simultaneously dehistoricizing or stripping them of their cultural identities
process of marginalizing minorities by defining them in relationship to the
white majority which is assumed to be the norm or natural order.
depiction of subordinate and racialized others as a source of
pleasure for US American tourists and consumers
ideology of difference
ideological circulation and consumption of images of foreign lands that
romanticize or mystify other cultures.