Cultural Flashcards
First level of Schein’s model. The physical and social environment that organizational members have created.
Basic Assumptions
Thirds level of Schein’s model. Represents “core” beliefs about how the world and how it operates.
Confessional Tale
A very personal account of the researcher’s experiences in the culture under investigation.
A defining feature of cultural performances. Cultural performances are embedded in organizational situations and organizational history.
Critical Tale:
A narrative told with the goal of uncovering the deep power structures implicit in organizational functioning.
Cultural Network
The communication system through which cultural values are instituted and reinforced.
Differentiation Approach
Inconsistencies among cultural views are expected and often are seen as desirable.
: A defining feature of cultural performances. Cultural performances are nameable as distinct events.
Espoused Values
Second level of Schein’s model. They represent preferences of what should happen.
A research technique with the goal of representing a detailed depiction of a culture.
Fragmentation Perspective
Ambiguous culture is normal and unavoidable in today’s organizations.
Grounded Theory
Understanding built from intense observations of a particular social group or situation.
Individuals who come to exemplify an organization’s values.
Impressionist Tale
A narrative with information about the culture woven into a story that could stand on its own dramatic merits.
A defining feature of cultural performances. Cultural performances are not guided by a script.
A defining feature of cultural performances. Cultural performances require the participation of multiple organizational actors.
Realist Tale:
A relatively objective account of what was observed in the organization.
Rites and Rituals
The ceremonies through which an organization celebrates its values.
The beliefs and visions that members hold for an organization.
A bias for action Close relations to the customer Autonomy and entrepreneurship Productivity through people Hands on, value driven Stick to the knitting Simple form, lean staf Simultaneous loose-tight properties