Cubital Fossa Flashcards
What forms the floor?
Brachialis muscle
What forms the root and which vein runs through this roof?
skin and fascia.
Median cubital vein runs within the roof
State the contents of the cubital fossa moving from lateral to medial.
- Radial Nerve
- Biceps Tendon
- Brachial artery
- Median Nerve
* MNEMONIC: Really Need Bible To Be At My Nicest.
How can supracondylar fractures cause Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture?
Supracondylar fracture can damage the brachial artery, leading to loss of blood supply to flexors causing them to shorten; clinical representation of flexion at wrist and fingers
List the contents of the superficial fascia.
Median cubital vein
Medial and lateral cutaneous nerves of forearm
The lacertus fibrosus is another name for…
bicipital aponeurosis
Which structure separates the superficial structures of the cubital fossa fro the deeper structures?
Bicipital aponeurosis
Name 2 contents of the quadrangular space.
Axillary nerve + its branches
Posterior circumflex humeral vessels
Name the content of the medial triangular space.
Circumflex scapular artery
What are the boundaries of the medial triangular space?
- Lower border - upper border teres major
- Lateral border - medial border triceps brachii
- Upper border - inferior border teres minor
What are the contents of the triangular interval?
- Radial nerve
2. Profunda Brachii Vessels
State the borders of the triangular interval.
- upper border - teres major lower border
- medial border - triceps long head lateral border
- lateral border -triceps lateral head medial border/medial border of humerus shaft
What is the clinical relevance of the triangle of ausculation?
Only area not covered by very thick muscles so respiratory sounds can be heard with a stethoscope