Cuba Flashcards
What did the USA place in their UK bases in 1958?
Nuclear weapons
What did the USA place in their bases in Italy and Turkey in 1961?
Nuclear weapons
Why was it significant that the USA had placed nuclear weapons in the UK, Italy and Turkey?
It put the USA within striking range of Moscow. This made the USSR feel deeply threatened.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, what was the USA concerned about with regards to the USSR?
The USA were worried because the USSR were producing nuclear weapons faster than they were.
What did the USSR detonate in 1961?
The Tsar Bomber - the most powerful bomb ever tested
What happened in Cuba in 1959?
Fidel Castro seized power in the Cuban Revolution. He overthrew the pro-American government
Why was the Cuban Revolution in 1959 such a big issue for the United States?
It meant that a communist power existed just 90 miles off the coast of the USA - within America’s sphere of influence
What did Castro do in 1959 to try and show a greater independence from the USA?
Castro’s government seized all American property in the USA.
What did the USA do when Castro’s government seized their land in 1959?
Initially the USA banned the import of Cuban sugar. Later in banned all trade with Cuba.
Who did Cuba receive aid from when the USA banned all imports from Cuba?
The USSR. The Soviets also imported Cuban goods to help the Cuban economy.
What did the JFK launch in 1961?
The Bay of Pigs invasion
How was the Bay of Pigs invasion supposed to work?
An army of Cuban exiles was to invade Cuba and other Cubans would join in a popular uprising to overthrow Fidel Castro. Batista, the old, pro-American president, would be put back in power.
Why did the Bay of Pigs invasion fail?
The invasion failed because:
- Castro knew about the plan
- Most Cubans hated Batista and did not support an uprising
- The first air strike missed most of its targets and JFK cancelled a second
- The 1,400 troops sent by JFK were met by 20,000 of Castro’s troops
What did Castro do as a consequence of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
He declared himself a communist
What did the USSR do as a consequence of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
They began plans to give ‘protection’ to Cuba. A first step in the placing of missiles in Cuba.
When did the ‘Thirteen Days’ of the Cuban missile crisis take place?
October 1962
What did Khrushchev place in Cuba?
Khrushchev placed nuclear warheads and long-range missiles in Cuba
Why did nuclear weapons in Cuba panic Americans?
Cuba was only 90 miles off the coast of Florida. It was easily possible to launch missiles at most cities in the USA from there.
How does Kennedy respond to the Khrushchev placing missiles in Cuba?
Kennedy orders a naval blockade to prevent any further weapons getting through
What does Khrushchev state when his ships reach the naval blockade?
Khrushchev issues a statement saying that the USSR is prepared to launch nuclear weapons if America goes to war.
What deal eventually struck that means Khrushchev backs down and the crisis is ended?
The USSR will withdraw their nuclear weapons from Cuba IF:
- the USA promises never to invade Cuba
- the USA withdraws its nuclear weapons from Turkey (although this part is kept secret)
What was a consequence of the Cuban Missile Crisis for Khrushchev?
Khrushchev’s authority is reduced as the removal of America’s missiles in Turkey is kept secret and consequently it looks like Khrushchev has betrayed an ally.
Give two short-term consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis
- a ‘hotline’ is set up between Washington and Moscow so the leaders can communicate directly
- The Limited Test Ban Treaty is agreed in 1963. This bans the testing of all nuclear weapons in space, in the sea and above ground (but not underground)
What is the overall significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
It leads to detente (a relaxation of tensions) as both sides realise how close they had come to nuclear war.
Give two long-term consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis
- The USSR were determined never to be pushed around by the USA again. They therefore make huge efforts to catch up in the arms race. By 1965, the countries are equal in nuclear capability. This makes the relationship more balanced and therefore more stable
- France leave NATO. President de Gaulle was appalled at the idea of being dragged in to a nuclear war. De Gaulle therefore took France out of NATO in 1966.