This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Wheatley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

1943-1945: The Conferences
When were the teheran yalta and p...,
What were the main agreements at ...,
Who gained most from teheran
25  cards
1945-1947: The early Cold War
What did churchill say had descen...,
Where did churchill make his 1946...,
How did stalin respond to churchi...
18  cards
Question Types
What does question 1 require you ...,
What does question 2 require you ...,
What does question 3 require you ...
6  cards
Soviet takeover of eastern Europe
What is a satellite state,
Why did stalin set up satellite s...,
What did stalin refer to the mars...
10  cards
Cominform (1947) and Comecon (1949)
What was cominform,
What happened at the first ever c...,
What did cominform encourage comm...
15  cards
First Berlin Crisis (1948-9)
Where was berlin located,
Why was germany divided into four...,
What were the two main causes of ...
21  cards
NATO (1949) and the Warsaw Pact (1955)
What does nato stand for,
When was nato established,
Why was nato established
9  cards
The Arms Race (1945-55)
When and by whom was the first at...,
When did the ussr acquire the ato...,
How did the ussr catch up with th...
14  cards
The Hungarian Uprising
Who was the dictator of hungary b...,
How did rakosi describe himself,
How was rakosi described by the p...
24  cards
The Second Berlin Crisis
Why did west berlin present a pro...,
Between 1949 and 1961 how many ea...,
What was the name given to the ma...
16  cards
What did the usa place in their u...,
What did the usa place in their b...,
Why was it significant that the u...
25  cards
Czechoslovakia: 'Prague Spring' (1968)
Which repressive and unpopular di...,
Why was novotny so unpopular,
Who replaced novotny as leader in...
21  cards
Detente (1962-1979)
What is meant by detente,
Which event triggered detente,
Which two treaties were signed in...
13  cards
The Collapse of Detente (Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan) (1979-1980)
What key event took place in apri...,
Who became the communist presiden...,
After civil war broke out followi...
17  cards
Ronald Reagan and SDI (1980-85)
Who was elected in november 1980,
What was reagans stance on communist,
What did reagan refer to the ussr...
13  cards

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y11 cold war

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