CTM Misc Flashcards
What is the Consult Details page? How do you get to it?
Double-click a consult to open the Consult Details page. Information relating to the consult is displayed. You can perform actions on the consult based on which VistA security keys are attached to the user’s VistA account.
What is the Patient Coversheet?
The Patient Coversheet tab within Consult Details page provides a comprehensive and customizable view of the selected Veteran’s medical history loaded from CPRS.
What is the Provider Dashboard page?
The Provider Dashboard lists Consults pulled in by Providers in the selected custom group.
What is the Consult Dashboard page?
The Consult Dashboard lists Consults pulled in by Services in the selected custom group.
What is the Alert Dashboard page?
The Alert Dashboard lists CTM and CPRS alerts sent to the logged-in user.
What is the RTC Dashboard page?
The RTC Dashboard lists RTCs pulled in by Clinics in the selected custom group.
What is the RTC Details page? How do you get to it?
Double-click an RTC to open the RTC Details page. Information relating to the consult is displayed. Userscan perform actions on the RTC based on which VistA security keys are attached to their VistA account.
What is the Patient Search page?
The Patient Search page allows you to search for patients in various ways.
What is the Bulletin Board page?
The Bulletin Board page lists the bulletins created by admins, used to give helpful information.
What is a Consult?
A Consult is a procedure on request by one VA physician to another to review the patient’s medical history, perform an examination, and make care and treatment recommendations
What is an RTC?
An order by a VA physician for a follow-up appointment(s)
What reports can you use in CTM? Who can use them?
Only users with Admin access can see the Reports button. Currently, the only report available is the Contact Attempt/Letter Report, which lists what users made contact attempts, sent letters, or sent doc requests for services.
What is the Admin Configuration page?
The Admin Configuration page is used to configure a site’s application settings.
What is a Clinic Profile?
A Clinic Profile is a set of customized outpatient clinic parameters in VSE.
What is a Stop Code?
A Stop Code is a six-digit code that defines clinical work, and measures workload for costing purposes.
What is a Primary Stop Code?
A Primary Stop Code is the first three digits of a Stop Code, which designates the main clinical group responsible for the care.
What is a Secondary Stop Code?
A Secondary Stop Code is the last three digits of a Stop Code, which gives additional information about the clinic, such as Provider Type, or whether the service was delivered via telehealth.
What is a PID?
Patient Indicated Date is the date the Provider and Veteran agree is clinically indicated for care.