CSS - Terms 5 Flashcards
Annual period during which a student attends and receives formal instruction at a college or university, typically from August or September to May or June. The academic year may be divided into semesters, trimesters, quarters, or other calendars.
Academic year
Periods of study, which can include semesters, quarters, trimesters, or summer sessions.
Periods of study that divide the academic year into two equal segments of approximately 15 to 18 weeks each. Some schools also offer a shorter summer session, beyond the traditional academic year.
Periods of study that divide the academic year into three equal segments of approximately 10 to 12 weeks each.
Periods of study that divide the academic year into four equal segments of approximately 12 weeks each, typically including the summer.
Academic studies of subjects in the humanities, social sciences, and the sciences, with a focus on general knowledge, in contrast to a professional or technical emphasis.
Liberal arts
Academic courses focused on human life and ideas, including history, philosophy, foreign languages, religion, art, music, and literature.
An association of eight private universities located in the northeastern United States, originally formed as an athletic conference. Today, the term is associated with universities that are considered highly competitive and prestigious. The Ivy League consists of the highly ranked Brown U., Columbia U., Cornell U., Dartmouth C., Harvard U., Princeton U., University of Pennsylvania, and Yale U.
Ivy League
Official recognition that a college or university meets the standards of a regional or national association.
A program of study made up of a set of courses offered by a school.
A regularly scheduled class on a particular subject. Each college or university offers degree programs that consist of a specific number of required and elective courses.
The number of courses or credits a student takes during a specific term.
Course load
A required course that must be completed before a student is allowed to enroll in a more advanced one.
Courses that students can choose to take for credit toward a degree, but are not required.
Mandatory courses that students are required to complete to earn a degree.
Core requirements
The academic subject area that a student chooses to focus on during his or her undergraduate studies. Students typically must officially choose their major by the end of their sophomore year, allowing them to take a number of courses in the chosen area during their junior and senior years.
An academic subject area that a student chooses to have a secondary focus on during their undergraduate studies. Unlike a major, a minor is typically not required, but it allows a student to take a few additional courses in a subject different from his or her major.
A program of study that allows a student to complete the course requirements for two majors at the same time.
Double major
Program of study that allows a student to receive two degrees from the same college or university.
Dual degree
When you take 4 courses in the Fall semester, 1 course in the Winter semester, and 4 courses in the Spring semester
4 - 1 - 4 System
List the Ivy League schools:
Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University