CSCE4600 Final Flashcards
How many milliseconds in 1 second
1000 (10^-3)
How many microseconds in 1 second
1000000 (10^-6)
How many nanoseconds in 1 second
What are the 3 different types of approaches for the deadlock problem
Detection and Recovery
What are reusable resources
permanent objects with two properties
What are consumable resources
produced and consumed dynamically
What are the two properties of reusable resources
1) # of units is constant
2) each unit is available or allocated to
exactly one process
What are the three properties of consumable resources
1) # of units will vary over time;
2) system can create new units
3) process may request, acquire,
and consume resource units
T/F: With single unit resources, cycle -> deadlock
What are the 4 points of cycles and knots
deadlock -> cycle
cycle !-> deadlock
expedient & knot -> deadlock
deadlock !-> knot
What is a blocked state
no action by process Pi will result in a state change,
does not mean deadlock
What is a secure state
S is not a deadlock state and any state T reachable by S is not a deadlock state
What is total deadlock
If all processes Pi are deadlocked in state S
What is a deadlock state
If Pi is deadlocked in state S
T/F: does a cycle always mean dependency
What are the four conditions for deadlock
1) Mutual Exclusion
2) Nonpreemption
3) Resource waiting
4) Partial Allocating
What is mutual exclusion
Processes hold resources exclusively, hence making them unavailable to other processes
What is non preemption
Resources cannot be taken away from a process that is holding them. Only the process can release the resources they hold
What is resource waiting (Circular Wait)
Processes that request unavailable resources (or units) will block until they become available.
What is Partial allocation
Processes may hold some resources when they request additional units of the same resource or other resources. (Hold and Wait)
What is a sink
A node with no outgoing edges
What is an isolated node
A node with no outgoing and no inbound edges
What is a path
a sequence (a,b,c ..y,z) of at least two nodes for which (a, b) ε E
What is a cycle
a path with the same first and last vertex
What is a reachable set
reachable(z) = {b | there is a path from z to b}
What is a knot
All nodes are reachable from any other node