CSCE3220 - Exam 1 Flashcards
Used for temporary storage and recall of information
short term memory (working memory)
Can be accessed rapidly (but decays rapidly)
short term memory (working memory)
passed from sensory memory to working memory through attention
short term memory (working memory)
very large seemingly unlimited memory
long term memory
decay is much slower
long term memory
memory of facts, concepts, and skills
semantic memory (long term)
memory of events and experiences in a serial form
episodic memory (long term)
amount learned was directly proportional to the amount of time spent learning
Ebbinghaus: total time hypothesis
learning time is most effective if it is distributed over time
Baddeley: distribution of practice effect
first thing an interface designer should do
Find the brand for product/interface/etc.
The words themselves have a strong influence over your ability to say the color
the stoop effect
Response time (also called “reaction time”) refers to the time between the ________ of a stimulus and a subject’s response to the stimulus
What would be the best way to increase your depth of processing when you read a list of words
Think about the meaning of the words on the list
is a method used to elicit user information from a large number of people very quickly
the general practice of observing users and tasks in their own work place performing their jobs
contextual observation
are objectives that set targets for levels of user activity (such as speed, error rate, error recovery) that the application is supposed to meet
usability requirements
basic layout of a website that is used on all the pages in the site
the process used by our senses to acquire information from around us