CSCE4115 Final Flashcards
Let A = { | R and S are regular expressions and L(R) ⊆ L(S)}. Show that A is decidable.
Step 1.
X = “On input :
1. Construct DFA E such that L(E) = notL(S) ∩ L(R)
Let A = { | R and S are regular expressions and L(R) ⊆ L(S)}. Show that A is decidable.
Step 2.
- Run TM T on
Let A = { | R and S are regular expressions and L(R) ⊆ L(S)}. Show that A is decidable.
Step 3.
- If T accepts, accept. If T rejects, reject
Show that A is Turing-recognizable iff A ≤m ATM.
Step 1
If A <=m Atm then A is Turing recognizable
-Use theorem 5.28
Show that A is Turing-recognizable iff A ≤m ATM.
Step 2
If A is Turing recognizable then A<=m Atm
1.Let M∈TM recognizes A [given that A is TM Recognizable]
Show that A is Turing-recognizable iff A ≤m ATM.
Step 3
Atm = { | M∈TM ∧ M~w}
Show that A is Turing-recognizable iff A ≤m ATM.
Step 4
Therefore x ∈ A <=> ∈ Atm is a mapping reduction from A to Atm
Is the following formula satisfiable? (𝑥 ∨ 𝑦) ∧ (𝑥 ∨ not𝑦) ∧ (not𝑥 ∨ 𝑦) ∧ (not𝑥 ∨ not𝑦)
(x,y) may have only 4 values, (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), and (1,1) None satisfy the formula the formula is not satisfiable
Show that P is closed under union and NP is closed under union.
P is closed under union.
For any two P languages, L1 and L2.
Let M1 and M2 be the TMs that decide them in polynomial time.
We construct a TM, m’, that decides L1 U L2 in polynomial time
Show that P is closed under union and NP is closed under union.
Step 1
M’ = “On input :
1. Run M1 on w. if it accepts, accept
Show that P is closed under union and NP is closed under union.
Step 2
- Run M2 on w. if it accepts, accept.
if it rejects, reject
DOMINATING-SET = { | has a dominating set with k vertices}.
Show that it is NP-complete by giving a reduction from VERTEX-COVER.
Step 1
VC <=pDS
Let G= (V,E) be a connected graph. Construct G’=(V’E’) by creating for each e∈G one new vertex and two new edges
Show that it is NP-complete by giving a reduction from VERTEX-COVER.
Step 1.a
We must show that if G has a vertex cover of size K then G’ has a dominating set a size K and viceversa
Show that it is NP-complete by giving a reduction from VERTEX-COVER.
Step 2
D -> S
Let D subset V
Let (u,v) ∈ E be any edge in E
Either u or v or both must be a number of D
Thus (u,v) touches a member of D and S = D is a vertex cover of G
Show that it is NP-complete by giving a reduction from VERTEX-COVER.
Step 3
S -> D
Every triangle of G’ has at least one vertex in S. Thus D = S is a dominating set of G’
2n = O(n)
c = 2
n^2 = O(n)
n^2 = O(n ln^2 n)
1/(2/n) = infiniti
n ln n = O(n^2)
1/n = 0
Prove 3SAT is NPC
Step 1.
Choose SAT and show SAT <=p 3SAT
Prove 3SAT is NPC
Step 2.
Given a potential 3Sat solution, one literal in each clause must be true. This is in polynomial time
Prove 3SAT is NPC
Step 3.
SAT <=p 3SAT
Input phi and restrict phi to phi ∈ CNF
In genral a clause a1 V a2 V … V ak is transformed to yeild k-2 clauses in trident(phi) with k-3 link variables fish,B,… this is in polynomial time
Prove 3SAT in NPC
Step 4.
phi trident
Any assignment of value to clause C causing C to be true (or false) can be extended to cause Dc to be true(or false)
f^-1(trident) is not satisfiable only if phi is not satisfiable