CS176 Movie Flashcards
Prop 187
proposition by CA Governor Wilson trying to deny state services (public education, non-emergency medical services) to undocumented immigrants; passed by deemed unconstitutional by CA Supreme Court
Pico Union, LA
Ellis Island of Los Angeles
Hoover Elementary
largest elementary school in LA; 2,700 students
teacher, puts emphasis on college, makes students choose a career; Mayra says she will go to college & be a lawyer
first grade teacher against prop 187, from Mexico, grew up picking grapes, went to college to not do work her parents did
Student to teachers supporting 187
said if teachers voted for 187 they shouldn’t teach here; said teachers would call us illegal aliens, treat them like aliens
MacArthur Park
black market of city, highest homicide rate in city
Violence at Hoover
when asked all students raised their hands saying they don’t feel safe walking to school; 5 out of 6 students say they have someone get killed; one kid recalls friend getting shot; Myra’s mom only lets her play on roof; school located at divide between two street gangs
Pico Union socioeconomics
average income is $7,000 a year
Hoover Street Parent Center
parenting & DSL classes, marches against violence, free vaccines
runs Parent Center w/ Arcelia, came from Mexico when family went bankrupt
Hoover teacher demographics
mostly white & english speaking, don’t under parents & their culture
Absences at Hoover
school has lost $140,000 from absences mainly from kids who left country to visit family
teacher for 187, believes in hard work, her parents assimilated & were proud to be American but now it’s a dirty word
Dianne on immigration
if you choose to come to US you have to give something up, says her students should know English
Mayra absences
stopped coming to class late in school year, her dad was killed in robbery & family was homeless leading them to sleep in abandoned apartment
Dianne on students
says children at Hoover are getting worse & blames parents
Mr. Piedmyer (librarian)
he says he just wants “his” country to be a good place like it was back in his day & city is filled w/ people who don’t care/litter, boy tells him it isn’t “his” country it’s everybody’s
Dianne discrimination incident
interviewer asks her if she’s ever felt discriminated against, she says she did when people told her she didn’t belong at the school
Mayra’s mom
doesn’t let Mayra play outside, works allday leaving Mayra along, doesn’t let interview speak to Mayra again b/c she doesn’t trust her
Carmen for 187
Arcelia finds out Carmen is conservative & voted for 187; Carmen doesn’t like immigrants coming here; got into car accident & person ran away b/c they didn’t have insurance; Carmen has become less sympathetic which speaks to toll assimilation takes on immigrants
Arcelia on why people support 187
they feel threatened, asks what would happen if students of Pico, China town, Korea town became lawyers, doctors, etc
Why Dianne supports 187
don’t have enough money to put these kids in school, can’t take care of everyone