CS176 Midterm Flashcards
Bio-medical health definition
What you have when you aren’t sick, absence of disease, closed system
Public health definition
Determined by multitude of factors, environment, solutions change, open system
Determinants of health
Behavioral, biological, socio-economic, environmental factors that effect health status
Market justice
People are entitled only to those valued ends (status, income, happiness) that they have acquired through their own individual efforts, actions, abilities
Social justice
Everyone is entitles to key ends like health protection or minimum standards of income
Cognitive dissonance
Rationalizing behavior, occurs when people hold inconsistent beliefs, ideas, attitudes
Self-efficacy theory
One’s belief in ability to do a specific behavior which affects choice of behavior, efforts made, persistence w/ task, emotional reactions
Belief in just world theory
The world is a just place & is fair to everyone
Internal locus of contol
person believes their behavior reduces their chances of developing a health issue
External locus of control
believe it’s out of their control
Systems theory
All systems are the environments of something smaller & a subsystem of something larger; systems are open, change in one part effects other parts of system
Health belief model
Theory for motivating people to take positive health actions that uses desire to avoid negative health consequences as motivation
Surplus powerlessness
All people experience powerlessness, but marginalized communities experience additional powerless that is based on psychological oppression
Sources are childhood socialization, work place, outside/inner forces
Outcomes are people feel they can’t change, disempowered, angry
To stop it need to start w/ children, create empowering workplaces
institutionalized, personally mediated, internalized
Latino paradox
Experience positive health outcomes (lower mortality/morbidity rates) even though they are socially marginalized
Protective factors
Family, love of nation of origin, social support, view of children in the culture
bone therapists
work through prayer
Informal relationship, come to house, work w/ family, less money, share views of patient
Formal relationship, go to office, family ignored, more money, focus on science not religion, doesn’t share world view
Cultural themes
family, respect, religion, simpatia
has precedence over individual interests, father as authority
based on age, gender, authority
god’s will
kindness, repression of anger, avoiding conflict
God’s will and prevention
rejection of prevention, not taking action
Positives of fatalism
faith, reduced stress, makes people at peace
Belief in curanderos
mind/body inseparable, life about maintaining harmony, must be harmony between hot/cold & wet/dry, patient is passive recipient of disease, patient related to spirit world, everyone in community responsible for recovery
Hot and cold
disease caused by hot & cold imbalance, hot disease treated w/ cold substances
Media advocacy
Making sure story told from public health perspective
Excess death
differential in predicted deaths & number that actually happen if higher; for Latinos excess death in homicide, diabetes, HIV, liver disease, work-related injury
Resource deprivation theory
lack of adequate infrastructure leads to unhealthy environments & disease (food access, jobs, good schools, transportation, etc)
John Henryism
Individuals exposed to high stress learn to cope, but suffer disease & death from high level of exposure & constant coping (cultural adaptation to oppression)
Weathering hypothesis
Premature aging occurs as response to long-term exposure to social & financial stress and pro-longed active coping
Culture of poverty
Values people experience in poverty are perpetuated leading to cycle of poverty that is generational
Focusing on smaller aspects of human being rather than holistic view of health that includes multitude of factors
Blaming the victim
Analyzing problems in terms of deficiencies/failure of victim, consequence of market justice
Cortisol, monkeys, students
Subordinate monkeys in chronic state of stress, higher cortisol, bad arteries; more income & education means less cortisol released during day
Wealth = health
as new immigrant relationship between wealth & health is loose, but living in US for longer relationship becomes tighter
Social capital
Network of social connections that exist between people & their shared values and norms of behavior which enable advantageous social cooperation
Mal ojo (evil eye)
change in health of infant caused by jealousy of another person
food clinging to stomach
illness caused by fright
Envidia (envy)
illness or bad luck caused by envy
Positive/negative concept of respect
respect for elders, respect authority figures w/o any questioning
Data reliability
data about community lacking, incorrect, insufficient
Salmon bias
return to birth country after retiring or becoming ill meaning deaths not recorded in US
Healthy migrant
healthiest & strongest migrate