CS Diagnostic Procedures Flashcards
Process of listening to the sounds within the body by using a stethoscope
Instrument for measuring blood pressure. Also referred to as a ‘blood pressure cuff.’
Instrument for listening to body sounds (auscultation), such as the chest, heart, or intestines
Cardiac Enzymes
Blood test to determine the level of enzymes specific to heart muscles in the blood. An increase in the enzymes may indicate heart muscle damage such as a myocardial infarction. These enzymes include creatine phosphokinase (CPK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and glutamic oxaloacetictransaminase (GOT)
Serum Lipoprotein Level
Blood test to measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. An indicator atherosclerosis risk
X-ray record of a vessel taken during angiography
X-rays taken after the injection of an opaque material into a blood vessel. Can be performed on the aorta as an aortic angiography, on the heart as angiocardiography, and on the bran as a cerebral angiography
Cardiac Scan
Patient is gen radioactive thallium intravenously and then scanning equipment is used to visualize the heart. It is especially useful in determining myocardial damage
Doppler Ultrasonography
Measurement of sound-wave echoes as they bounce off tissues and organs to produce an image. In this system, used to measure velocity of blood moving through blood vessels to look for blood clots or deep vein thromboses
Noninvasive diagnostic method using ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures. Cardiac valve activity can be evaluated using this method
Flexible tube inserted into the body for the purpose of moving fluids into or out of the body. In the cardiovascular system a catheter is used to place dye into blood vessels so they may be visualized on x-rays
Cardiac Catheterization
Passage of a thin tube catheter through a blood vessel leading to the heart. Done to detect abnormalities, to collect cardiac blood samples, and to determine the blood pressure within the heart
Hard copy record produced by electrocardiography
Electrocardiography (ECG, EKG)
Process of recording the electrical activity of the heart. Useful in the diagnosis of abnormal cardiac rhythm and heart muscle (myocardium) damage.
Holter Monitor
Portable ECG monitor worn by a patient for a period of a few hours to a few days to assess the heart and purse activity as the person goes through the activities of daily living. Used to assess a patient who experiences chest pain and unusual heart activity during exercise and normal activities
Stress Testing
Method for evaluating cardiovascular fitness. The patient is placed on a treadmill or a bicycle and then subjected to steadily increasing levels of work. An EKG and oxygen levels are taken while the patent exercises. The test is stopped if abnormalities occur on the EKG. Also called an ‘exercise test’ or a ‘treadmill test.’