Crusades Flashcards
When was Jerusalem captured in the first crusade?
15 July 1099
What does the supposed lack of sexual violence yet much general slaughtering show for the capture of Jerusalem?
Represented a purging and liberating act, shedding of blood of unbelievers was pleasing God
Who were massacred at Mite during the first crusade (on their way to Jerusalem)?
The Jewish population there
What was the reality of the first crusade for those participating?
4k+ marches, long siege, cannibalism, desertion, crap leadership
What important aspects of western society did crusade support and catalyse?
- Role of Papacy
- Rise of monarchy
- Tax admin
- Systems of preaching
- War technology
Symbiotic relationship, affected each other
What is important to remember about the nature of crusading?
It is constantly changing, reflects wider society
What is crusade mainly?
A violent act of faith
‘Taking the cross’/vow (Crucesignates) - a penitential act
What were some key features of crusade?
- ‘Holy war’ as Just war
- Directed by the pope
- Taking the cross
- A penitential act
What was the main spiritual benefit of crusade?
Full forgiveness of sins, either in lieu of penance or as penance itself
What is the main criteria for a just war?
- Just cause
- Just intention
- Just/legitimate authority
- Not against innocent and vulnerable people
- Defensive
What was the war cry used in the first crusade?
Deus Vult (God wills it)
God was the authority they were following
Which pope toured France to recruit for a crusade and what was one of his main arguments for just cause?
Urban II
Eastern churches in ‘abominable slavery’, their obligation to fight to free them
What did the clergy always try do in the medieval period regarding knights?
Control the behaviour of the knights (usually to limit their violence)
When could laymen attend ecclesiastical gatherings?
Councils like Clermont - relics displayed too (potentially prop for crusade)
What were some of the benefits a knight could enjoy if he took the cross?
Knights became like members
Pay charity to churches, buried in hallow ground, participate in ecclesiastical court stuff etc.
What was Urban II’s motives likely spurred by?
Rebuilding papal relationship with Byzantium, didn’t work out though
How does Jerusalem fall into the intentions of the first crusade?
Possible Urban didn’t mention it, difference and separation between eastern church and Christian ruling of Jerusalem
Certainly according to the sources written in Europe, how did the first crusade quickly become understood as?
An armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem
Who were the main/exclusive target of crusade recruitment and propaganda?
Knights and nobles
What saw a revival in the 11thCE?
The apostolic lifestyle
What increased in the 11thCE regarding the aristocracy and how did this affect pilgrimage?
Increased concern over sin and penance
Pilgrimage increases as people become more aware of these issues
What does penitential pilgrimage reflect and what were the consequences of this?
Reflect spiritual anxiety in the aristocracy
Church play on this, creating a close relationship between the two, making recruitment easier
What do initial letters from crusaders in 1st crusade suggest?
That they did not regard it as a pilgrimage
What was one benefit promised to crusaders?
Where was the main recruiting pool for crusade?
Regarding the colonialised nature of the Crusader states, what is Rene Grousset’s opinion?
Franko-Syrian culture emerges (starting to dress like that and that)